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IIBM – Distribution & Logistics Management Answer sheet

IIBM – Distribution & Logistics Management Answer sheet

Multiple Choices:

  1. It deals with the movement of finished goods from the last point of production to the point of consumption.
  2. Marketing Channel Management
  3. Logistics Management
  4. Boundaries
  5. Relationships

  1. Which conflict is one of the major bottlenecks in the development & maintenance of partnering channel relationship
  2. Channel conflict
  3. Management conflict
  4. Logistics conflict
  5. Distribution conflict

  1. The phase of externally integrated business function era (1990s onwards) is recognized as the era of
  2. Logistics Management
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Financial Management
  5. Supply Chain Management

  1. ___________ may be conducted from time-to-time or at least once in a year to know about change in the expectation levels & actual performance
  2. Customer Service Monitoring cell
  3. Formal Customer Satisfaction Survey
  4. Customer Conference
  5. Customer Feedback System

  1. The firm‟s incomplete or inaccurate knowledge of customer‟s service expectations is known as
  2. Market Information Gap
  3. Service Standards Gap
  4. Service Performance Gap
  5. Internal Communication Gap

  1. This gap exist between the present level of customer service offered and the corporate vision about customer service
  2. Gap 1
  3. Gap 2
  4. Gap 3
  5. Gap 4

  1. This stock refers to window display of an inventory in order to stimulate demand and act as a silent salesman
  2. Decoupling stock
  3. Psychic stock
  4. Pipeline stock
  5. None

  1. This stock is also known as cycle or lot size stock
  2. Working stock
  3. Safety stock
  4. Anticipation stock
  5. None

  1. In this system manufacturer is given the responsibility for monitoring & controlling inventory levels at the retail store level
  2. Quick Response
  3. Continuous Replenishment
  4. Vendor-managed Inventory
  5. Customer Relationship

  1. This mode of transport is a very significant one but with a very restricted scope. It is used primarily for the shipment of liquid & gas
  2. Airways
  3. Railways
  4. Pipelines
  5. Seaways


 Part Two:

  1. What is Containerization and also mention the main features of Containerization.
  2. What is Third Party Logistics?
  3. Differentiate between Public & Private Warehouse.
  4. What is Logistics Information System?

Case let 1


  1. Based on information for the current years, is Kansas City the best location for a warehouse? If not, what are the coordinates for a better location>? What cost improvement can be expected from the new location?

  1. If by year 5 increases are expected of 25 percent in warehouse outbound transport rates and 15 percent in warehouse inbound rates, would your decision change about the warehouse location?
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