Arvind Banakar

NMIMS MBA Project Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Project Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Project Management Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Project Management NMIMS MBA Project Management Solved Answer Assignment   A ABC company is launching the new project consist of designing and constructing a Cricket Stadium and Amenities around it. Prepare the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform) Matrix with the following details. Brief activity list (6-8 activities). Figure out 4-6 project management related roles. Prepare the RACI Matrix for the same. Introduction: The RACI Matrix is a tool used in project management to define and communicate the roles and responsibilities of team members involved in a project. It stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform. It helps to ensure that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities, and that there is no confusion about who is responsible for what. Concepts and Applications: Activity List with Roles & Responsibilities: Project Planning: The project planning activity involves developing a detailed project plan and timeline for the project. The Project Manager is responsible for this activity. The Project Manager will also consult with the Architect and the Construction Manager for their inputs. Site Selection and Land Acquisition: The site selection and land acquisition activity involve identifying the appropriate site for the stadium and amenities and acquiring the land. The Project Manager and the Real Estate Manager are responsible for this activity. The Real Estate Manager will also inform the Legal Counsel and the Finance Manager of the progress of the activity. Conclusion: The RACI Matrix is a valuable tool for project managers to ensure that team members understand their roles and responsibilities. In this answer, we prepared a RACI Matrix for a hypothetical project of designing and constructing a Cricket Stadium and Amenities around it. A ABC company is launching the new project consist of designing and constructing a Cricket Stadium and Amenities around it. Consider following details for the project. Feasibility study Estimating the cost – Material and Construction Designing of Stadium and Amenities. Procuring the material Construction and installation Finishing work You as a project controller are asked to submit your plan for project control. Cover different project control tools and explain how they will be applied in this   case. Also, mention as a head of project control which control you will monitor personally and why.   Ans : Introduction: Project control is the process of managing and monitoring a project from start to finish, ensuring that it meets its objectives in terms of cost, scope, quality, and timeline. Effective project control involves a range of activities, including planning, monitoring, and controlling. Concepts and Applications: Feasibility Study: A feasibility study is the first step in the project, where the project’s viability is analyzed. It helps to identify the various factors that could affect the project’s success, such as market demand, financial feasibility, technical feasibility, environmental factors, and legal requirements. The feasibility study should be conducted by a team of experts who will evaluate the proposed site and make recommendations on the project’s feasibility. This study is a critical activity, as it helps the project team identify any risks and take corrective measures. Conclusion: The construction of a cricket stadium and amenities around it is a complex project that requires effective project control to ensure its success. The project control plan for this project will involve the use of different tools and techniques to monitor and control project progress. NMIMS MBA Project Management Solved Answer Assignment   Answer the following questions: A ABC company is launching the new project consist of designing and constructing a Cricket Stadium and Amenities around it. For this work we have three options. The details for these options are given below. I: Initial investment C1 to C6: Cash flow at the end of Year-1 to Year-6 respectively   I  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  C6 Option-I  Cash flow  -20  5  5  5  5  5  5 Option-II  Cash flow  -25  10  5  5  5  5  5 Option-III  Cash flow  -30  10  10  5  5  5  5 Consider Discounting Rate as 8% per year. Ans : Introduction: ABC company is planning to launch a new project of constructing a cricket stadium and amenities around it. In this project, the company has three options for initial investment and cash flows for six years. The decision of choosing the best investment option needs to be made by considering the present value of cash flows with a discounting rate of 8% per year. Concepts and Applications: Present Value: Present value (PV) is the value of future cash flows at a specific point in time, considering the effect of the interest rate or discount rate. It means that the future cash flows are discounted by the interest rate, and their present value is calculated. PV is calculated to compare the future cash flows with the current investment cost to evaluate the profitability of the investment. If the present value of future cash flows is greater than the investment cost, then the investment is profitable, and if it is less than the investment cost, then the investment is not profitable. Conclusion: In conclusion, ABC Company is launching a new project consisting of designing and constructing a cricket stadium and amenities around it. The company has three options to consider, and the most financially viable option is Option-I. NMIMS MBA Project Management Solved Answer Assignment   Consider a hypothetical project of conducting a grand event in stadium. Explain the triple constraints of a project in this context with the examples for each constraint. Give your summary comment about this. – Ans : Introduction: Project management is a crucial aspect of any successful event, and the triple constraint is an essential tool for project managers. The triple constraint refers to three interrelated elements that must be balanced to ensure project success. These elements are time, cost, and scope. Concept & Application: Triple Constraints of a Project: The triple constraint of a project refers to the interdependent nature of time, cost, and scope. Any change in one of these elements affects the other two. Project

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NMIMS MBA Procurement Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Procurement Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Procurement Management Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Procurement Management NMIMS MBA Procurement Management Solved Answer Assignment   Question 1: Explain various types of purchases with appropriate examples Introduction When companies have a solid understanding of the many distinct types of purchases that customers make, they are in a better position to develop marketing strategies tailored to their target audience’s individual requirements and activities. Concept and Application There are several types of purchases that individuals and organizations make depending on their needs and circumstances. Here are some examples of different types of investments: Impulse purchase: An impulse purchase is an unplanned purchase made on a whim, often triggered by a sudden desire or emotional response to a product or service. For example, buying a candy bar or clothing while waiting in line at the checkout counter. Routine purchase: A frequent purchase is made frequently, usually with little thought or consideration. Examples include buying groceries, toiletries, or household items. Conclusion In addition, there is a risk that businesses will have trouble keeping their customers’ loyalty and convincing them to make more purchases. This is because enterprises may have problems competing with online retailers. NMIMS MBA Procurement Management Solved Answer Assignment   Question 2:  Discuss the process of strategic sourcing with suitable examples. Introduction A manufacturing company is looking for a supplier for the raw materials required to manufacture its products. The company has identified potential suppliers through market research and has evaluated their capabilities and performance. After analyzing the supplier’s financials, contracts, and performance, the company has selected a supplier and is negotiating terms and conditions, including price, delivery times, and quality standards Concept and Application Strategic sourcing is identifying, selecting, and managing suppliers to achieve a company’s goals and objectives. The strategic sourcing process involves steps that help businesses analyze their procurement needs, identify potential suppliers, evaluate their capabilities, negotiate favourable terms and conditions, and manage ongoing supplier relationships. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the strategic sourcing process: Conclusion A large manufacturing firm that has to buy a substantial quantity of raw materials for production is an example of a business that might benefit from using strategic sourcing in practice. The procurement department of the firm adheres to the procedure mentioned above, beginning with an analysis of the organization’s requirements and the market research results. NMIMS MBA Procurement Management Solved Answer Assignment   Question 3. a:Explain various online catalogs of e-marketplaces Introduction When it comes to putting e-sourcing into action, PQR Inc. can use a diverse range of online catalogues and e-marketplaces to source the products and services it requires. The following is a sampling of some of the most well-known online records: Concept and Application Vertical Marketplaces are online marketplaces that focus on serving a particular sector of the economy or a certain kind of product or service. For example, ThomasNet is an online catalogue of vertical markets that provides access to a diverse selection of products and services across various fields of business. You are free to go through this library whenever you choose. This facility offers a connection to the ThomasNet computer network. Conclusion PQR Inc. can lower the complexity of its e-sourcing process by selecting a suitable online catalogue of e-marketplaces. This, in turn, enables them to cut their expenses and increase their productivity. They are designed to make the process of procurement, which is carried out by a variety of businesses, easier to understand and carry out. NMIMS MBA Procurement Management Solved Answer Assignment   Question 3. b: Explain the process of online auctions Introduction E-sourcing may take the form of online auctions, in which prospective vendors compete against one another in real-time bidding to acquire contracts to give a client the items or services the consumer requires. E-sourcing can also take the shape of various forms. The following is a rundown of the many steps that are a part of the procedure for online auctions: Concept and Application The buyer is the one who is responsible for choosing the items or services that they desire and for describing the requirements, which may include quality standards, delivery timetables, and any other essential information. Obtaining Pre-Qualification for Vendors, The buyer will first determine which potential suppliers can meet the requirements. Then they will enquire whether or not those suppliers are interested in participating in the auction. The vendors have already been pre-qualified because of the stability of their financial situations, the track records they have accumulated, and some other essential qualities. Conclusion Compared to more traditional methods of sourcing, online auctions offer several advantages, including more competition, more affordable prices, and a reduction in the time required to complete procurement cycles. Yet, to ensure that they are carried out in a manner that is both honest and open, as well as that the requirements of the buyer are fulfilled, they need to be meticulously organized and supervised. To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.   Important Notice for NMIMS Assignments: To ensure your NMIMS assignments meet the university’s standards, The NMIMS Assignments must be 100% customized, plagiarism-free, and unique.  Copying from Google, AI tools, blogs, books, or any other sources is strictly prohibited, and if you copy answers, you will get ZERO marks. Before purchasing assignments from any academic writer, always demand the following verification: Turnitin Report– To ensure the content is plagiarism-free. Grammarly Report– This is to ensure grammar and writing quality. AI Detection Report– To guarantee no AI-generated content. Remember, these reports are not just a formality. They are your shield against ZERO marks. Take charge of your grades by ensuring your work is original

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NMIMS MBA Performance Management System Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Performance Management System Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Performance Management System Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Performance Management System NMIMS MBA Performance Management System Solved Answer Assignment     Q1. You are an HR Manager at Roohi Medical Devices Ltd. The company would like to introduce Self Appraisals for the Sales Teams. Design a Self Appraisal Form for Sales Executives in the organization. (10 marks) Introduction Performance management is a tool that corporations use to assist managers in adequately evaluating and monitoring the work that their workers do. Performance management aims to establish a working atmosphere in which employees may effectively perform to the best of their ability and contribute to the company’s success. Concepts and Application Define the concept and importance of self-appraisal within organizations: A company’s human resources (HR managers) are responsible for developing training programs and determining which employees have the best skill sets. In addition, measuring employees’ performances is a crucial tool for management that helps encourage and support the practical improvement of a company. The performance evaluation of workers in the company is carried out using documents known as appraisal forms, which HR managers manage. Conclusion  As a result, the worker, the HR Manager, and executives or all members have considered the importance of the self-evaluation for the preceding part as a crucial component to boost performance. Self-evaluation has its drawbacks, one of which is that employees consciously analyze their performances, regardless of whether the arrangements inside the organization are low or high. NMIMS MBA Performance Management System Solved Answer Assignment   Q2. “Tara Styles” is a fashion, cosmetics and beauty brand that caters to male and female products. The company has been growing at a rapid phase and now plans to reach a pan-India presence. Prepare a Balanced Scorecard for “Tara Styles”, covering one goal each in the Financial, Customer, and Business Process and Learning & Growth quadrant. (10 marks)   Introduction Tara Styles is a brand that caters to male and female customers, offering them items and services related to fashion, cosmetics, and beauty. The firm is expanding thanks to the new plans and phase development implemented to investigate the company’s global footprint in various regions across India. Concepts and Application Define a balanced scorecard for the company and its requirements: A balanced approach is achieved by utilizing ideas that effectively measure strategic measures. For instance, based on lower and higher measurements to improve strategy level and accuracy to execute effectively, the turning strategy is regarded as the best action the organization can do now. However, traditional financial methods are also helpful in obtaining the best modifications and concentrating on a more balanced view in a very competitive market. Conclusion  Consequently, to construct the company scorecard. The corporation has found that strategic mapping is the best ways to handle appropriately entitled the modifications and support an adequate internal financial business process. Support for the customer’s development and education is included in the business. NMIMS MBA Performance Management System Solved Answer Assignment     Q3. You have joined as a Team Leader at “Your Work Space”, which is a co-working space wherein different companies lease offices/workstations.   Using the SMART principles, prepare 2 goals for each of the following:   a) Sales Manager at “YourWorkSpace” (5 marks) Introduction The firm’s managers must formulate the company’s business purpose to accomplish a desired result within the constrained and predetermined time frame. In this section, we will discuss the two primary objectives, which are especially important for the sales managers of this organization. The SMART principles will be discussed in greater detail as we move through YourWorkSpace.  Concepts and Application Concepts of SMART Principles for sales manager: It is mentioned how an effective strategy to manage the business plan and successfully fulfill the business goals is to adhere to the Smart principles that the company has adopted. However, practical ideas for businesses enable the organization to give the finest consideration and response to the situation at hand. Conclusion  As a result, the organization’s management has defined measurable goals to increase the business values by developing the best measurable changes and describing the best adjustments. In addition, the sales manager of “Your Work Space” has devised the most effective time-bound timetable to meet the regular basis target and boost the company’s relevance.  NMIMS MBA Performance Management System Solved Answer Assignment   b) Admin Manager at the company (5 marks)   Introduction The primary duty and obligation of the company’s admin manager are to coordinate and organize the system and administrative process to generate the best streaming changes in the organization. Concepts and Application Roles and responsibilities of admin manager according to Smart principles: Coordination and planning are believed to be the administrative process in any business, followed by creating a system to investigate the streaming process in the sector. Setting out the total office space in the company is one of the administrative responsibilities, along with training and recruiting new employees. Conclusion  Handling the best operation and providing support for competitive services has been the overarching professional obligation of administrative managers. As a result, the company’s executive management has been monitoring the company’s administrative, paperwork, and inquiry process to guarantee the most efficient workflow possible in the organization. To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.   Important Notice for NMIMS Assignments: To ensure your NMIMS assignments meet the university’s standards, The NMIMS Assignments must be 100% customized, plagiarism-free, and unique.  Copying from Google, AI tools, blogs, books, or any other sources is strictly prohibited, and if you copy answers, you will get ZERO marks. Before purchasing assignments from any academic writer, always demand the following verification:

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NMIMS MBA Operations Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Operations Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Operations Management Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Operations Management NMIMS MBA Operations Management Solved Answer Assignment     1) As a business owner, one of the most critical decisions you will make is choosing a location for your business setup. What are the various decision criteria for deciding a location for a business setup, and how do they apply to setting up an electric vehicle charging station? Assume any size for the setup. Introduction The decision of where to establish the headquarters of one’s firm is essential for any entrepreneur. The site is necessary and can decide whether an organization is successful; conversely, making the wrong choice might fail the company. When it comes to building a charging station for EVs (electric vehicles), the location is one of the most important aspects to consider because it will help determine the popularity and success of the station. Concept and application  Select a location based on the following criteria:  a) Accessibility Accessibility is one of the most important considerations that must be examined before settling on a site for a new business. Before, both consumers and employees needed to have an easier time entering and exiting the location. A location suitable for an electric vehicle charging station is close to major thoroughfares, well-known destinations such as tourist attractions and shopping malls, and streets that see a reasonable amount of foot traffic.  Conclusion  We need to think about a variety of things while choosing a location to maximize our chances of success. For instance, do the demographics of the location appeal to the people who are our primary focus? Are we interested in locating a remote location for an office building or a vast plot that may house a manufacturing facility? NMIMS MBA Operations Management Solved Answer Assignment   2) Explain in detail the various types of plant layout concepts that are available in operations management. Give examples of where each of these types can be employed respectively. Briefly explain a layout applicable for a cloud kitchen format vis-à-vis a dine-in restaurant, highlighting the good points and bottlenecks, if any. Introduction Plant layout can be defined as the most efficient physical arrangement, either existing or in plans of manufacturing facilities, that is, an arrangement of machines, service departments, and processing equipment to achieve the most excellent efficiency and coordination of the 4 M’s (Materials, Men, Methods, and Machines) in a plant. This can be defined as the most efficient physical arrangement, either existing or in plans of manufacturing facilities.  Concepts and applications  There are three primary types of plant layout in operations management.  a) Functional or process layout b) Product or line layout c) Stationary layout d) Combination layout e) Fixed position layout Conclusion  When the facility’s location has been selected, the next critical challenge that the company’s management must confront is developing a viable strategy for the plant. It is essential for efficient operations and must share many characteristics with various issues. The effectiveness of the processes is impacted by how well the layout is designed. NMIMS MBA Operations Management Solved Answer Assignment   3) A patisserie brand is planning to open a new mid-sized pastry shop near your locality. Considering their expertise and knowledge in manufacturing and branding their product offerings, they are confident of getting into the new pastry shop operations. You are required to suggest the team on the following points: a) What strategy would the pastry shop adopt for an Aggregate Operation Plan of resources given a time frame of a year. (5 marks) 3a. Introduction A business strategy can be defined as all of the decisions made and activities done by a firm to attain the broader vision. These decisions and actions can be taken individually or together. Even though it is easy to form, put into action, and describe, it differentiates a firm. Concepts and applications Pastry businesses must implement a cost-cutting approach that emphasizes their unique selling points, as stated in the question. It refers to a situation where a corporation or company offers different items or goods cheaper than its competitors. Compared to businesses that rely on a single strategy, those that incorporate two methods may be able to adjust considerably more quickly to changes in the surrounding environment. Conclusion We discussed the most effective commercial plan for the pastry shop’s brand. If it had this information, it would be easier for the company to enter a new market and increase its earnings by optimizing its business operations. NMIMS MBA Operations Management Solved Answer Assignment     b) Discuss the concept of Q and P systems of ordering along with its issues in inventory control for the pastry shop 3b. Introduction FIXED ORDER QUANTITY SYSTEM (Q SYSTEM) The system with the fixed order quantity is called the Q system. When the amount of stock available hits the reorder point, an order for a predetermined portion is placed. The every-time order quantity of a particular substance is called the EOQ. Concepts and applications FIXED ORDER PERIOD SYSTEM (P SYSTEM) In this system, a check is performed at predetermined intervals to determine each material or commodity’s stock or inventory status. The number of times evaluations are carried out varies from business to business. Conclusion The organizational structure and the operating procedures for regulating and maintaining the materials to be stored can be organized with the help of an inventory system. To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.   Important Notice for NMIMS Assignments: To ensure your NMIMS assignments meet the university’s standards, The NMIMS Assignments must be 100% customized, plagiarism-free, and unique.  Copying from Google, AI

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NMIMS MBA Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Operations and Supply Chain Strategies NMIMS MBA Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Solved Answer Assignment     Question 1: List down the competencies needed for an efficient global Operations and Supply Chain. Which competency would you highly prioritize if you are a producer of a semiconductor, which has a global demand in today’s scenario? Justify.   Introduction   In today’s highly competitive economic environment, organizations need to demonstrate that they have the capabilities necessary to effectively manage their operations and supply chains in locations all over the world to have any chance of achieving success. This talent category includes the capacity to work across functional lines, manage risks, evaluate data, and strategically plan. Concept and Application The semiconductor industry relies highly on intricate and specialized supply chains, which are susceptible to various risks. These risks include the unpredictability of geopolitical conditions, natural disasters, and the insolvency of suppliers. Any disruption in the supply chain runs the danger of producing significant delays, production losses, and harm to the company’s reputation. All of these factors will, in the end, result in lower sales and market share. Conclusion In conclusion, if a semiconductor manufacturer wants to serve demand worldwide, it must establish essential competencies such as prioritizing risk management, quality control, and cross-functional collaboration. These are only some of the critical competencies that would be required. These are only some examples among many others NMIMS MBA Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Solved Answer Assignment   Question 2: Online fashion retailer Zalando to lay off hundreds of employees. Google fires 450 staff, Twitter shuts 2 offices; Meta confirms 11000 layoffs etc. If you are one of the founders of service industry which steps you will take with respected to industry life cycle.   Introduction   In light of the recent layoffs in the technology industry, if I were to start a firm in the service industry, the steps mentioned below are the ones I would take regarding the company’s life cycle: Concept and Application   Diversify your income sources: Relying on a single revenue stream may be troublesome, especially during economic downturns or market disruptions. Diversifying your income sources might help you avoid these problems. You can lessen the impact of these dangers on your business by diversifying your revenue sources. Consequently, I would study the possibilities of generating additional sources of income by expanding the range of products offered by the company or entering new markets. To bring in additional revenue, the service industry might look into the potential of developing partnerships with other types of businesses or providing services complementary to those offered by other sectors. Conclusion In conclusion, founders in the service industry can create a resilient business that can withstand disruptions in the market and generate long-term success by developing a solid online presence, building strong partnerships and networks, remaining informed about changes in regulatory requirements, and creating a solid brand identity for their company. NMIMS MBA Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Solved Answer Assignment   Question 3. a: You are appointed as business consultant in the organization. Suggest some different level of strategies that ultimately helps them   Introduction   As a consultant for the business operations of Home Centre, I would like to make the following suggestions as possible solutions for the company to investigate to address the challenges connected with shipping heavy furniture and managing an extensive inventory: Concept and Application One solution to the problem of maintaining a large inventory is implementing a lean inventory management system. Implementing a system for managing inventory to minimize waste can be one approach to addressing the issue of maintaining a large stockpile. By increasing the available stock and streamlining operational operations, this method strives to achieve the most significant feasible reduction in waste. If the company employs data-driven processes and technologies, it can reduce its inventory costs while maintaining high product availability. Conclusion To summarize, Home Centre can address the challenges of shipping heavy furniture and maintaining a large inventory while still pursuing aggressive growth in new markets by adopting a lean inventory management system, implementing just-in-time (JIT) inventory management, utilizing technology to improve shipping and logistics, exploring options for outsourcing, and leveraging e-commerce platforms. NMIMS MBA Operations and Supply Chain Strategies Solved Answer Assignment   Question 3. b: Explain different expansion strategies with respect to “Home Centre”   Introduction Home Centre, which is a retail and hotel conglomerate that is undergoing rapid expansion, may seek to adopt one or more of the following expansion approaches to accomplish its development objectives: Concept and Application Expansion Into Other Regions Of The World By extending its business into new geographic areas, Home Centre can increase the number of customers it serves and its proportion of the total market. This could be achieved by establishing new sites in parts of the country where the brand currently needs a presence. For instance, the firm might conclude that expanding its activities to the Far East or South America would be beneficial, as the scenario suggested. Conclusion In conclusion, Home Centre can formulate an all-encompassing expansion strategy by considering regional expansion, product line extension, channel expansion, franchising, acquisition, and joint ventures, among other potential avenues of growth. The company will be able to accomplish its expansion goals and position itself as a top retail and hospitality player worldwide. To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.   Important Notice for NMIMS Assignments: To ensure your NMIMS assignments meet the university’s standards, The NMIMS Assignments must be 100% customized, plagiarism-free, and unique.  Copying from Google, AI tools,

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NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Manpower Planning, Recruitment and Selection NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment     Introduction When it comes to managing human resources, “recruitment” refers to locating and employing the candidate who is both the most qualified and the most productive for an open position in a timely and frugal way. It is one continuous process that encompasses a complete life cycle, beginning with analyzing the company’s requirements for the position and concluding with introducing the employee to the organization.  Concepts and applications  In the question, please describe the most suitable recruitment sources in an academic institution. The following is something we should talk about:  Internal recruitment sources  Employees already working for the organization who are qualified for open positions are considered internal recruitment sources. As a result of the fact that these recruits come from the organization’s competent workforce, the organization can hire them at a lower cost and with more ease. The human resources (HR) professionals can discuss with the employee currently holding the position information regarding the job title, responsibilities, work experience, and educational requirements. They accomplish this internally through phone calls, emails, notices on notice boards, and internet postings. H.R. professionals will typically include contact information and urge employees to apply for positions so that they may compile a shortlist of candidates for interviews.  Conclusion  The process of recruitment is a difficult one. To evaluate candidates, analyze them, interview them, and ultimately convince them to join them, an experienced staff is required.  NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment   Introduction H.R. analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing data from Human Resource (H.R.) departments to enhance the performance of a company’s employees. The method may also be referred to as talent, people, or workforce analytics.  This kind of data analysis correlates the data routinely collected by Human Resources to the goals that both HR and the organization have set. Doing so demonstrates how the activities of human resources contribute to the organizations overall goals and strategies.  Concepts and applications  Human resources (HR) professionals are confronted with more issues than at any other time in history. Some significant challenges keep human resources workers up at night, including a worldwide health crisis, layoffs, an economic slump, and social upheaval. Unfortunately, this turbulent time of transition in the workplace will continue through 2021. This indicates that before beginning the prototype process for new workforce models, businesses must carefully consider the consequences of the top five H.R. challenges of 2021.  Conclusion  The growth of a company’s workforce is the most essential aspect of any enterprise because the people will determine and steer the organization’s trajectory into the future. If the company successfully develops its workforce, it may experience increased output and sustained expansion in the future. NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment   3a. Introduction A robust program for performance management provides employees with feedback regularly, invites employees to provide input, and delivers data that may be used for other decisions, such as compensation raises. Employees’ stress and anxiety can be reduced by receiving feedback, which is especially important now that the worst of the epidemic has passed and economic unpredictability has occurred. Concepts and applications The following are potential obstacles a performance management program may face and possible solutions. Communicating efficiently with employees When one holds a managerial position, there is often a period in which they feel isolated from the rest of the team. This results in one of the most difficult challenges for managers, which is to bridge the gap between the two groups through communication abilities that are both applicable and timely. Conclusion Managers can guide members of their teams to victory, and one of the most satisfying aspects of leading a team to win is seeing the team members mature as individuals and achieve success. NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment   3b. Introduction The success of any organization is significantly dependent on the performance of its employees. When employees are actively involved, productive, and motivated, they can more easily fulfill the goals set for them by their managers. If your firm wants to achieve its objectives in a timely and cost-effective manner, optimizing your team’s performance for efficiency can be of great assistance. Concepts and applications As a manager, we have a variety of options at our disposal to increase employee performance, including the following: Analyze performance metrics It might be challenging to remedy poor performance without first identifying holes in the workflow of your business, which can lead to complications. Regularly analyzing performance metrics is a smart idea if you want to understand better how well your staff is doing their jobs. Conclusion Employee performance is the most critical factor determining whether or not a company will successfully reach its objectives; happy, productive workers are valuable assets that can significantly guide an organization in the right direction. Despite this, many managers acknowledge that it can be challenging to encourage staff and enhance the performance of their teams. It is essential for you, in the role of manager, to consciously build workplace structures and supports that can contribute to the success of your team. NMIMS MBA Manpower Planning Recruitment and Selection Solved Answer Assignment To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.   Important Notice for NMIMS Assignments: To ensure your NMIMS assignments meet the university’s standards, The NMIMS Assignments must be 100% customized, plagiarism-free, and unique.  Copying from Google, AI tools, blogs, books, or any other sources is strictly

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NMIMS MBA Logistics Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Logistics Management Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Logistics Management Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Logistics Management NMIMS MBA Logistics Management Solved Answer Assignment   “A successful Supply Chain Management can become ineffective with poor Logistics Management”. Explain your understanding about this statement. Ans : Introduction: Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Logistics Management (LM) are two essential aspects of any business organization that are often used interchangeably. SCM refers to managing the entire network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers involved in producing and delivering a product or service. Concepts and Applications: A supply chain involves various stages: planning, sourcing, manufacturing, delivery, and returns management. Each step requires different logistics management levels, including transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and order fulfillment. Poor logistics management can result in several adverse outcomes that can ultimately affect the overall effectiveness of supply chain management.  Conclusion: In conclusion, Logistics Management is an essential component of Supply Chain Management, and poor logistics management can significantly affect the effectiveness of the supply chain. Companies must implement effective logistics management practices such as transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and order fulfillment to efficiently ensure their supply chain functions. NMIMS MBA Logistics Management Solved Answer Assignment   The Customer has given poor feedback for a Chocolate manufacturing company. How should the company respond to such a situation? What will be its effect on the supply chain of the product? Ans : Introduction: The success of any business depends on the satisfaction of its customers. If a customer gives poor feedback, the company needs to respond to the situation effectively. In the case of a chocolate manufacturing company, customer feedback is crucial as it can impact the company’s reputation and sales. Concepts and Applications: However, negative feedback can significantly impact the company’s brand image, sales, and supply chain. This essay will discuss how a chocolate manufacturing company should respond to poor customer feedback and its impact on the supply chain. When a customer gives poor feedback, the first step for a chocolate manufacturing company is to investigate the issue. The company should try to understand the reason for the poor feedback and the customer’s specific problems. Once the issue is identified, the company should take appropriate steps to address the problem. Conclusion: In conclusion, customer feedback is crucial for the success of a chocolate manufacturing company. When a customer gives poor feedback, the company should respond promptly and effectively. The company should investigate the issue, apologize to the customer, offer compensation, and take steps to prevent such issues from happening in the future. NMIMS MBA Logistics Management Solved Answer Assignment   (a) Prepare a Distribution Network of distributing Milk all over India which has a manufacturing plant in Haryana. Ans : Introduction: Milk is an essential commodity consumed by people of all ages in India. It is a highly perishable product that requires efficient and effective distribution networks to reach consumers promptly. In this essay, we will discuss the distribution network for distributing milk all over India from a manufacturing plant in Haryana. Concepts and Applications: The distribution network ensures milk is transported from the manufacturing plant to the end consumer. Several components of a distribution network include transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and customer service. Conclusion: In conclusion, the distribution network is critical in ensuring that milk is transported efficiently from the manufacturing plant in Haryana to different regions across India. NMIMS MBA Logistics Management Solved Answer Assignment   (b) Who will be the Channel Members for distributing Milk developed above? What will be their role in the Distribution? Ans : Introduction: Milk is a highly perishable commodity that requires careful handling and distribution. With the development of milk production and processing, it is essential to have an effective distribution strategy in place to ensure that the milk reaches its end customers in a timely and efficient manner. Concepts and Applications: The milk distribution involves several channel members who play a critical role in getting the product from the producer to the end customer. These channel members include: Milk Producers: Milk producers are the first channel members in the distribution process. They are responsible for producing and packaging the milk in suitable containers for transportation. Wholesalers: Wholesalers purchase milk from milk producers in bulk and store it in their warehouses. They then distribute the milk to retailers and other smaller wholesalers. Conclusion: In conclusion, milk distribution involves several channel members who are critical in getting the product from the producer to the end customer. These channel members include milk producers, wholesalers, and retailers. To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.   Important Notice for NMIMS Assignments: To ensure your NMIMS assignments meet the university’s standards, The NMIMS Assignments must be 100% customized, plagiarism-free, and unique.  Copying from Google, AI tools, blogs, books, or any other sources is strictly prohibited, and if you copy answers, you will get ZERO marks. Before purchasing assignments from any academic writer, always demand the following verification: Turnitin Report– To ensure the content is plagiarism-free. Grammarly Report– This is to ensure grammar and writing quality. AI Detection Report– To guarantee no AI-generated content. Remember, these reports are not just a formality. They are your shield against ZERO marks. Take charge of your grades by ensuring your work is original and meets NMIMS standards. Dr. Banakar leads a team of over 100 PhD-qualified professionals dedicated to creating high-quality, plagiarism-free assignments tailored to meet the exact standards and requirements of NMIMS. With a proven track record, students who have used his services often score 25+ marks out of 30, highlighting the level of detail, precision, and thorough research into every assignment. This emphasis on research instills confidence in the quality of the work. MBA Solved

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NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment Ans : INTERNATIONAL MARKETING NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment   Question 1 Introduction “Think globally, act locally” has become a famous call to action in various contexts, from environmentalism to politics to social justice. This phrase emphasizes the importance of considering the big picture while taking concrete steps to make a difference in our immediate surroundings. Concept and Analysis By encouraging people to think about the global impact of their actions while also taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint, the “Think globally, act locally” approach can effectively address environmental issues. Another area where this approach can be applied is politics. In an increasingly interconnected world, many of the most pressing political problems we face, such as immigration, trade, and terrorism, have global dimensions. However, political change often begins at the local level, with individual communities and cities taking action to address these issues. By encouraging people to stay informed about global events and trends while also getting involved in local politics and activism, the “Think globally, act locally” approach can help to build a more engaged and informed citizenry. Conclusion The “Think globally, act locally” approach is a valuable and necessary tool for addressing today’s complex and interconnected challenges. While not a panacea, it can help break down significant problems into manageable pieces, foster a sense of agency and empowerment among individuals, and promote more engaged and informed citizenship. NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment   Question 2 Introduction The “America First” policy has been debated and controversial in the United States and beyond. Some argue that prioritizing the interests of one’s own country is a legitimate and necessary approach to governance, while others view it as a narrow-minded and isolationist stance. In the context of India, the question arises whether the country should adopt a similar policy and promote an “India First” approach. While promoting the interests of one’s own country is undoubtedly an important goal for any government, it is also essential to recognize that we live in an increasingly interconnected world. Concept and Analysis One way countries can create barriers is by imposing tariffs on imports from other countries, making those products more expensive and less competitive in the domestic market. This approach can provide a short-term boost to domestic industries but can also lead to retaliatory measures from other countries, ultimately harming the overall economy. Another way that countries can create barriers is through non-tariff measures, such as quotas, regulations, and subsidies. These measures can protect domestic industries from foreign competition but can also distort market outcomes and lead to inefficiencies. For example, support for domestic farmers can lead to overproduction and lower prices, harming farmers in other countries and leading to food waste. Conclusion In conclusion, while promoting the interests of one’s own country is undoubtedly an important goal, adopting a purely “India First” policy risks isolating the country from the global community and hindering progress on shared challenges. Instead, a more balanced and collaborative approach that recognizes the importance of international cooperation and collaboration is necessary. NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment   Question 3a Introduction After extensive market research and analysis, the Ayurvedic drug manufacturing company has decided to launch its products in the post-pandemic global market. The company also plans to differentiate its products from the competition by highlighting the natural ingredients used in its Ayurvedic formulations and the traditional knowledge and practices behind them. Concept and Analysis By emphasizing the unique selling points of its products, the company hopes to create a strong brand image and gain the target audience’s trust. Additionally, the company plans to continuously monitor market trends and consumer feedback to make necessary adjustments to its marketing strategy and product offerings. Conclusion In conclusion, the Ayurvedic drug manufacturing company plans to launch its products in the global market post-pandemic by adopting a targeted marketing strategy, establishing local distribution channels, leveraging digital marketing, complying with regulatory standards, and collaborating with local healthcare providers. NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment   Question 3b Introduction The Ayurvedic drug manufacturing company should also consider the target markets’ cultural differences and regulatory landscape before deciding on the market entry strategy. It should also develop a marketing strategy that caters to the needs and preferences of the target audience in each region. Additionally, the company should prioritize establishing relationships with key stakeholders in the target markets, such as regulatory bodies, distributors, and suppliers. Concept and Analysis By carefully evaluating the market entry options and selecting the right strategy, the company can enter global markets and establish itself as a leading player in the global Ayurvedic drugs market. The Ayurvedic drug manufacturing company can consider the following market entry strategies to enter global markets: Exporting: This involves selling the products to distributors or wholesalers in the target market, then selling them to the end consumers. The company can start by initially exporting its products to a few countries and gradually expand its export operations as it gains a foothold in the global market. This strategy can be cost-effective as it avoids establishing a physical presence in the target market and allows the company to test the market demand for its products. Conclusion Both strategies have advantages and disadvantages, and the company needs to evaluate which approach aligns best with its long-term goals and resources. The company must also conduct market research to identify the target markets and the demand for Ayurvedic drugs in those regions. NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment   To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.

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NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment Ans : NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment Integrated Marketing Communication NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment Question 1. Introduction NMIMS MBA International Marketing Solved Answer Assignment Anthony T. Rossi landed in the United States with only $25 in his pocket. In 1947, he started Tropicana to make the best fruit available to everyone. In 1970, he invented flash pasteurization and was the first to carry orange juice from Florida to New York by rail. Anthony Rossi is responsible for Tropicana’s current atmosphere of innovation and innovative thinking. Tropicana Products, Inc., a PepsiCo, Inc. company, is the world’s largest manufacturer and marketer of branded fruit juices. In the United States, Concept and Analysis  NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment Durability, tangibility, and user type are the three basic properties that may be used to classify products. Durability describes the typical life of a product that is accessible for consumption, tangibility describes the physical characteristics of the product, and user type divides items into consumer and industrial items. A product may be defined as a collection of physical, psychological, service, and symbolic characteristics that together provide satisfaction or benefit to a customer or user. A product, according to marketing, is anything that is provided to a market to meet a demand or need. Like an onion, a product has multiple layers or levels, and each layer adds to the whole. NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment Conclusion As Pepsi Tropicana is a perishable beverage, it is critical to have a robust contingency plan. PepsiCo Tropicana has one. Pepsi Co Tropicana requires that distributors purchase a minimum base quantity each time an order is submitted to avert overstocks. It also encourages distributors to save product stock 10-15 days before the date in case of an emergency. NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment Question 2. Introduction Tropicana has launched a new advertising campaign. It was a crowd-sourced advertising campaign made out of New Yorkers’ tweets. The crew analyzed the tweets with the hash tag “#Worst Morning Ever,” and its the majority of attention-grabbing ones were used and exhibited in the metro, on buses, in stores, on billboards, and in taxis. Inhabitants would tweet all daylight hours about something amazing that happened to them in the break of day and how Tropicana Juice had changed their mood. Concept and Analysis  Advertising copy is the text of a print, radio, or television ad (or any other media) that seeks to capture and keep the attention of a potential consumer, subsequently persuading him or her to make a purchase – all in a short period of time. The “headline” is the most crucial part of a print ad since it is designed to convey the ad’s primary message and, presumably, sell the product to the reader even if he or she doesn’t read the entire ad. Advertising experts would tell you that an advertisement is all about ONEIDEA. By the time they finish reading the headline, the reader should have a clear understanding of what that notion is. The most of ads aim to keep the ad language short and simple, emphasizing on the offer. Conclusion Juice consumption is rising every year, and it is expected to continue to rise as people’s lifestyles change and they become more health conscious. Juices are preferred above other soft drinks. Consumers prefer to consume fresh juice on a daily basis as they embrace more Western lifestyles, especially the younger generation, which is heavily impacted by Western media. NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment Question 3 a)Introduction Richard Vaughn developed the Foote, Cone, and Belding Model, often known as the FCB Grid, in 1980. It is represented on a matrix by four major factors: thinking, feeling, strong engagement, and low. participation.  FCB, or Foote, Cone & Belding, is one of the most important and foremost advertising agency networks. It is owned by Interpublic Group, and in 2006, it combined with Draft Worldwide to become Draftfcb. Concept and Analysis  It is represented on a matrix by four major factors: thinking, feeling, strong engagement, and near to the ground participation. MBA degree should fall in the informative. FCB Grid hinder everyone comprehend wherever a item for consumption locate in the mind of a purchaser, by calculate approximately whether or not acquisition requires a exceedingly involved emotional decision or a exceedingly involved intellectual pronouncement. With that in sequence, we can devise four advertising concepts about a single manufactured goods that will influence poles apart bargain hunter. More than changing a person’s demeanor, it might assist you change their frame of mind. The ALS ice bucket challenge, on the other hand, is the consequence of irrational, lateral reasoning. Conclusion Interpublic Group, together with Public is, WPP, and Omnicom, is one of the big four agency holding conglomerates. The FCB Grid is based on the Split Brain Theory, which proves and emphasizes how the Left and Right Brains operate in humans. • The Horizontal Row of the Foote, Cone, and Belding Model demonstrates that over time, customers’ behavior tends to shift from rational to emotional reasoning. NMIMS MBA Integrated Marketing Communication Solved Answer Assignment   b)Introduction Informative Quadrant 1: This category includes pricey items that have a high level of relevance to customers and need extensive thought for decision-making. The potential purchaser foremost gain knowledge of or acquires all available information on its own goods, then determines whether or not it is necessary to acquire it, in addition to then makes the final purchase. Concept and Analysis  We observe things that are very important to the consumer in the first quadrant of the FCB grid, and they are usually more expensive. Before making a high-involvement purchase choice, consumers will gather a large amount of data. Major purchases, such as a vehicle, a home, or insurance, as well as practically any new pricey product, might all be affected. Cars- Affective quadrant Ice-creams- Satisfactory quadrant Furniture Affective quadrant Detergents- Habitual quadrant

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NMIMS MBA Information System for Managers Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Information System for Managers Solved Answer Assignment

NMIMS MBA Information System for Managers Solved Answer Assignment Ans : Information System for Managers NMIMS MBA Information System for Managers Solved Answer Assignment   Introduction A company’s plan to house its information technology infrastructure in the cloud is called its “cloud strategy.” However, by defining and outlining the cloud’s development plans, architecture, and governance model, cloud strategies can help ensure that cloud workloads, infrastructure, and applications function effectively.  Concepts and applications  As indicated in the preceding question, the aspirant’s user base is rapidly expanding, and COMPT_PREP is currently exploring the possibility of implementing a cloud solution strategy to manage its operations better. SAAS will be a practical approach for COMPT_PREP regarding cloud computing. Let’s examine it-  The term “Software as a Service” (SaaS) refers to a licensing model in which users are granted access to the software by purchasing a subscription. The software is hosted on remote computers rather than the organization’s servers.  Access to software as a service is typically granted via a web browser, and users must provide a username and a password to enter the system. Users can access the program online rather than installing the software on their computers.  Conclusion  The term “software as a service,” or SaaS, refers to utilizing cloud computing to provide consumers access to a program via the Internet. SaaS allows users to access programs without installing the software on their local computers. This access is typically provided through a subscription service. Slack, Netflix, Google Workspace, and Dropbox are just some companies that use software as a service (SaaS). SaaS is used for various business applications, including consumer retention management, file sharing, and human resources.  NMIMS MBA Information System for Managers Solved Answer Assignment   Introduction One definition of a business process is “a series of activities that can be repeated and are carried out in a specific order to accomplish an objective.” Every deed is a piece of work to be done. A task can either be a regular part of a procedure or a stand-alone event.  Concepts and applications  We can use the system below to automate the different inter-processes of our company.  Digital transformation  To automate our business operations, we should spend millions of rupees on a software program that is coded specifically for us and is powered by artificial intelligence. Numerous kinds of business process automation (BPA) and workflow applications are available to assist businesses in automating and designing their ongoing business procedures.  Businesses such as Comidor, Appian, and Signavio, as well as Process Maker, have made it their specialty to develop software for the administration of business processes and low-code automation technologies. Request a demonstration, and investigate how currently available technologies can help businesses achieve their objectives.  Conclusion  The process of digital transformation is a challenging endeavor. It takes a significant commitment of resources, including time, money, and people time and energy. Accomplishing the objectives of digital transformation requires the concerted effort of the entire organization; however, if it is correctly implemented, it can give the business that uses it a competitive advantage. NMIMS MBA Information System for Managers Solved Answer Assignment   3a. Introduction Blogging is a form of content creation that aims to explain and enlighten, disseminate, and educate our ideas about any subject on the internet. Contrastingly, blogging is both the science and the art of sharing thoughts with an audience. Concepts and applications A wide range of dangers and weak spots are associated with blogging platforms. Let’s talk about the following, shall we? Social engineering Any cyberattack that an intruder or hacker may use to trick us into compromising our details and confidential information is known as “social engineering,” It can be used by either party. This might be a phishing email that was sent to our mailbox, or it might be a smishing text that was sent to our iPhone or Android device. Conclusion The platforms used for social media are highly susceptible and prone to threats. Users are responsible for safeguarding their information by avoiding downloading sensitive files, selecting robust passwords, and avoiding clicking links to unfamiliar websites. NMIMS MBA Information System for Managers Solved Answer Assignment   3b. Introduction Several different dangers posed by blogging platforms have been addressed here. Let’s talk about how to deal with these issues: Concepts and applications a) Make sure our internet connection is secure The use of public Wi-Fi is rarely risk-free but often cannot be avoided when we are out and about in public places. When we use a public Wi-Fi connection, for instance, to access the internet in a public setting, we do not have direct influence over the connection’s security. If we use public Wi-Fi, we must refrain from conducting confidential business online, such as shopping or banking. Conclusion At present, our existence revolves around digital devices. All our information is stored in our various electronic devices, which can be easily compromised if not treated with extreme caution. To reduce the likelihood of the dangers posed by the internet, several preventative steps need to be taken. To get the complete answer/solution to this NMIMS assignment, you can contact Dr. Aravind Banakar’s Academic Writing Services. Dr. Aravind Banakar prepares two types of Assignments. General assignments & Customized assignments. Both assignments are 100 % Plagiarism-free.   Dr. Aravind Banakar is the number 1 NMIMS Academic Writing Professional. He is a highly experienced academic professional and a reputable and reliable academic content writer with over 24 years of experience. You can obtain ready-made, customized, plagiarism-free MBA, BBA, EMBA, and B.Com assignments.   Important Notice for NMIMS Assignments: To ensure your NMIMS assignments meet the university’s standards, The NMIMS Assignments must be 100% customized, plagiarism-free, and unique.  Copying from Google, AI tools, blogs, books, or any other sources is strictly prohibited, and if you copy answers, you will get ZERO marks. Before purchasing assignments from any academic writer, always demand the following verification: Turnitin Report– To ensure the content is plagiarism-free. Grammarly Report– This is to ensure grammar and writing quality. AI Detection Report– To guarantee no AI-generated content. Remember, these reports

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