ISBM – ”A while ago UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) told Liverpool-based Halewood international

Advertising Case (20 Marks) ”A while ago UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) told Liverpool-based Halewood international that their ad part of a 2 million pound campaign for their Lambrini drink was too sexy.ASA issued guidelines suggesting they use balding paunchy, middle-aged men instead of someone attractive and desirable.”The ad is in danger of implying that the drink may bring sexual/social success because the man in question looks quite attractive and desirable,”   Answer the following question.   Q1. Give an overview of the above case.   Q2. What is the role of ASA?   ISBM Answer sheets, academic support  ISBM assignment help, student assistance ISBM Institute solutions ISBM mba answer sheets ISBM MBA case study answers ISBM case study answers ISBM emba answer sheets ISBM emba case study papers ISBM gms answer sheets ISBM gms case study papers ISBM advance diploma answer sheets ISBM advance diploma case study answer sheets ISBM DMS case study answers ISBM DMS case study papers At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery, ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of ISBM Institute. ISBM Answer Sheets ISBM University ISBM Pune ISBM Kolkata Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized ISBM Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable ISBM Assistance Get expert assistance with your ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration).  Assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with ISBM Institute coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your ISBM Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your ISBM Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration).  Assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets. Project Report Writing Services Customized Project Reports ISBM Institute Project Support Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports Quality Project Documentation Expert Project Report Writers Comprehensive Project Analysis Structured Project Report Services Detailed Project Documentation ISBM Project Evaluation Support Custom Project Report Formats Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project Reports ISBM Institute (Indian school of business Management and administration).  Assignments, solved papers, and study materials are available through our academic writing services. Seeking assistance with ISBM Institute coursework? Our professional team delivers accurate and timely solutions for all your academic needs. Our specialized academic writing support simplifies access to ISBM Institute (Indian school of Business Management and Administration). question papers and model answers. Need expert guidance for your ISBM Institute assessments? Our service offers comprehensive solutions for students seeking assistance. Our academic writing services ensure precise and high-quality answers for ISBM Institute assignments, aiding students in their educational journey. Academic writing professionals play a crucial role in assisting students with their university assignments, striving to achieve several key goals: Quality Assurance: Their primary aim is to deliver high-quality content that meets academic standards and fulfills the requirements of the university assignments. This involves thorough research, proper structuring, and adherence to guidelines provided by the educational institution. Originality and Plagiarism-Free Content: Professionals in this field emphasize originality by creating authentic content free from plagiarism. To maintain academic integrity, they ensure that all information is appropriately cited and referenced. Meeting Deadlines: Timely submission is a significant goal for academic writing professionals. They work within specified deadlines to provide students with completed assignments, enabling them to submit their work punctually. Clear and Coherent Communication: Professionals strive to convey complex ideas in a clear, coherent, and academically appropriate manner. They focus on effective communication to ensure the content is easily understandable to the target audience. Supporting Learning and Comprehension: Beyond completing assignments, academic writing professionals aim to support students\’ learning by providing explanations, analysis, and additional resources that help students grasp the subject matter more comprehensively. Customization and Client Satisfaction: They tailor their services to individual student needs, providing personalized assistance and ensuring client satisfaction by addressing specific requirements and preferences. Continuous Improvement: Academic writing professionals continuously update their knowledge base, research techniques, and writing skills to adapt to evolving academic standards and deliver the best possible support to students.

ISBM – ”A while ago UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) told Liverpool-based Halewood international Read More »

ISBM – A well-known financial house started an Industrial unit using new technology under the name Royal Electronics Company

Human Resource Management Case (20 Marks)   A well-known financial house started an Industrial unit using new technology under the name Royal Electronics Company. Their system of Management in general was of the old type where everything was centralized on a personal level. However, in the case of the new company, due to various factors like distance, time, etc., the industry was allowed to develop on autonomous lines and was put in charge of U.K. trained Engineer. Considering the various aspects, the industry was developing well. However, due to the lack of adequate attention to labor and industrial relations, a strike developed. It generated tensions and fears among the executives who left jobs including the Labor officer who felt insecure due to vacillation and interference from top management. Finally, the strike was resolved. But some workers were still under charge sheets. Their cases had been conducted by the new Labor Officer who had joined at the height of the Strike one day the factory manager received a call from the managing Director to dismiss the Labor Officer immediately. He solicited reasons at least to justify his action but to no avail. The Managing Director came personally, went to the Labor Officer directly, and gave him the dismissal letter. The Labor officer was appointed by the Factory Manager and so went to him but the Manager could do nothing now. Answer the following question.   Q1. Analyze the factors that led to a breakdown of industrial relations in the Royal Electronics Company   Q2. How should the cases of charge sheeted employees be dealt with?   Q3. What course of action will you suggest for the factory manager? Q4. As a Labor Officer, what would be your steps after receiving the letter of dismissal from the Managing Director?   ISBM Answer sheets, academic support  ISBM assignment help, student assistance ISBM Institute solutions ISBM mba answer sheets ISBM MBA case study answers ISBM case study answers ISBM emba answer sheets ISBM emba case study papers ISBM gms answer sheets ISBM gms case study papers ISBM advance diploma answer sheets ISBM advance diploma case study answer sheets ISBM DMS case study answers ISBM DMS case study papers At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery, ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of ISBM Institute. ISBM Answer Sheets ISBM University ISBM Pune ISBM Kolkata Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized ISBM Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable ISBM Assistance Get expert assistance with your ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration).  Assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with ISBM Institute coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your ISBM Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your ISBM Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your ISBM Institute (Indian School of Business Management and Administration).  Assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets. Project Report Writing Services Customized Project Reports ISBM Institute Project Support Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports Quality Project Documentation Expert Project Report Writers Comprehensive Project Analysis Structured Project Report Services Detailed Project Documentation ISBM Project Evaluation Support Custom Project Report Formats Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project Reports ISBM Institute (Indian school of business Management and administration).  Assignments, solved papers, and study materials are available through our academic writing services. Seeking assistance with ISBM Institute coursework? Our professional team delivers accurate and timely solutions for all your academic needs. Our specialized academic writing support simplifies access to ISBM Institute (Indian school of Business Management and Administration). question papers and model answers. Need expert guidance for your ISBM Institute assessments? Our service offers comprehensive solutions for students seeking assistance. Our academic writing services ensure precise and high-quality answers for ISBM Institute assignments, aiding students in their educational journey. Academic writing professionals play a crucial role in assisting students with their university assignments, striving to achieve several key goals: Quality Assurance: Their primary aim is to deliver high-quality content that meets academic standards and fulfills the requirements of the university assignments. This involves thorough research, proper structuring, and adherence to guidelines provided by the educational institution. Originality and Plagiarism-Free Content: Professionals in this field emphasize originality by creating authentic content free from plagiarism. To maintain academic integrity, they ensure that all information is appropriately cited and referenced. Meeting Deadlines: Timely submission is a significant goal for academic writing professionals. They work within specified deadlines to provide students with completed assignments, enabling them to submit their work punctually. Clear and Coherent Communication: Professionals strive to convey complex ideas in a clear, coherent, and academically appropriate manner. They focus on effective communication to ensure the content is easily understandable to the target audience. Supporting Learning and Comprehension: Beyond completing assignments, academic writing professionals aim to support students\’ learning by providing

ISBM – A well-known financial house started an Industrial unit using new technology under the name Royal Electronics Company Read More »

ISBM – A telecommunications service provider.

Business Communication   CASE STUDY (20 Marks) A telecommunications service provider. Since its beginnings in 1994, this company has become one of New Zealand\’s most loved telecommunications providers with around 200 employees. They provide internet, home phone and calling services. In May 2006, the New Zealand Government unbundled the local loop meaning that a range of business opportunities opened up to the telecommunications service provider. A period of dramatic business growth followed. Increased staff numbers and product offerings meant that it was important to find tools and techniques to ensure staff continued to be well-informed and passionate about working for the company. • This company has a particularly young workforce and a high percentage of call center staff and shift workers. It has nearly doubled in size in the last year. All of these factors presented several internal communications challenges. • They wanted to find a communications solution that would appeal to its young workforce who were used to dynamic, entertaining, and attention-grabbing technologies. The SnapComms solution offered the right combination of ‘fizz’ combined with pure and simple business value. They have a particularly young workforce and a high percentage of call center staff. The company has nearly doubled in size in the last year. All of these factors presented several internal communications challenges: Communicating with shift workers. A high percentage of shift workers meant that it was difficult to gather staff into one place for business updates and news. High turnover of call center staff. As is common for call centers, staff turnover rates were higher than in other parts of the organization. It was important to find ways to bring new employees up to speed quickly and to build engagement to reduce staff turnover rates. Young demographic. The average age of employees is 20 years old. Communication is needed to appeal to a demographic used to engaging, entertaining, and compelling communication formats. A cultural survey highlighted a need to make people feel more valued. Their cultural survey, although generally good, highlighted a need to help its people recognize the benefits of working for the company and feel a valued part of the business. Learn more about communicating with millennials. Email overload. People were being bombarded with emails. Between 50 and 100 per day were commonplace for call center staff. ‘Static’ intranet. The intranet was seen as ‘static’ and not updated often; hence usage rates and effectiveness were low. They had the following additional Internal Communications objectives: Increase staff involvement. The company was looking for ways to help its staff feel more involved and to allow them to participate more in the business. Find new ways to make working for the company fun. They have a young, fun brand and it was important to reflect this in the culture of the company. Measuring communications effectiveness. It was difficult and time-consuming to measure communication effectiveness. The service provider was looking for a quick, user-friendly tool to allow them to measure communications effectiveness regularly. Answer the following question.   Q1. Give an overview of the case.   Q2. Discuss the benefits of keeping staff engaged.  

ISBM – A telecommunications service provider. Read More »

ISBM – A Regional Administration Office of a company was hastily set up.

Essential of Management   CASE STUDY (20 Marks)   A Regional Administration Office of a company was hastily set up. Victor D.Cuhna a young executive was directly recruited to take charge of the Data Processing Cell of this office. The data processing was to help the administrative office in planning and monitoring. The officer cadre of the administrative office was a mix of directly recruited officers and promoted officers (promotion from within the organization). Females dominated the junior clerical cadre. This cadre was not formally trained. The administrative office had decided to give these fresh recruits on-the-job training because when results were not up to the expectations blame was brought on the Data Processing Cell. Victor D.Cuhna realized that the administrative office was heading for trouble. He also realized that certain functional aspects of the administrative office were not clearly understood by various functionaries, and systems and procedures were blindly and randomly followed. Feedback was random, scanty, and controversial, and the Data Processing Cell had to verify every item of feedback. Delays were inevitable. D.Cuhna sought the permission of senior management to conduct a seminar on communication and feedback of which he was an expert. The permission was grudgingly given by the senior management. Everyone appreciated the seminar. Following the first seminar, D.Cuhna conducted a one-week training course for the clerical cadre, especially for the junior, freshly recruited clerks.   Q1. Diagnose the problem and enumerate the reasons for the failure of D.Cuhna.   Q2. What is Training? Explain the different methods of training.

ISBM – A Regional Administration Office of a company was hastily set up. Read More »

ISBM – A recently released survey report of Govt. of India reveals that the employability of the graduates

CASE STUDY (20Marks)   A recently released survey report of Govt. of India reveals that the employability of the graduates passing out from universities is very low. Even all the graduates passing out from the Engineering Institutes are not employable. The reason cited for the same is that the requisite skill required by the various industries including mini, small, and medium enterprises, has not been incorporated in the curriculum of the universities and Institutes. Though the curriculum is good for the sake of knowledge, there is nothing for the skill development of the students. This may be because of the poor interaction between the industries and academicians. Keeping in view the large young population of India, Govt. has decided to impart skill development training to all eligible candidates in the following 3 parts (i) Basic training, for freshers and (ii) Upgrading skills training, by providing on-the-job training who are employed. (iii) World-class skill development training, for supplying skilled manpower to the world by providing world-class training.   Q1. What is the difference between education and skill?   Q2. Discuss the problem given in the above case study, and suggest the remedial measures.  

ISBM – A recently released survey report of Govt. of India reveals that the employability of the graduates Read More »

ISBM – A project involved the creation of a Wage & Salary Program.

Human Resource Management   CASE STUDY (20 Marks) A project involved the creation of a Wage & Salary Program. The company had over 25 different positions without any salary structure or career ladder for the employees. Our first task was to identify the Anchor Jobs of the business, which were the positions that best represented the core competencies of the organization. We then bench-marked these positions using regional data, and in a few cases national data, and ranked the salaries of the employees in the Anchor Jobs to this data. Using an objective point system that we created, we had the managers assign points using 9 compensable factors for the Anchor Jobs and then all company positions. Next, we tallied the points for each position and assigned jobs to specific pay grades. Finally, we met with senior management to: 1. identify the company’s compensation philosophy moving forward, 2. develop a Wage and salary Manual to train managers in the new system, 3. create a methodology for adjusting salaries in the future as determined by the market conditions that affect the Anchor Jobs, 4. implement a point system for objectively assessing whether additional or changed responsibilities of a position would be eligible for a salary increase, 5. confirm our assignment of positions to the pay grades, and 6. determine how to handle Green Circle Salaries that were below the minimum of a pay grade and Red Circle Salaries that were above the maximum of a pay grade. This project was designed to use Human Resource job analysis strategies to improve the cash flow of the business. We flowcharted the process and conducted an extensive job analysis of the work required to process invoices. Usually, such invoices are mailed to clients within the first 5 to 10 business days of the new month. In this firm, invoices sat on the desks of the 15 Engineers waiting for approval for 30 to 60 days, which pushed Accounts Receivable (AR) for this firm into an AR average of 85 days. By changing the way information was gathered for the invoices and by implementing specific incentives, disincentives, and consequences for Engineers, the firm began sending out 90% of invoices within the first 10 business days of the new month, starting with the second month after the implementation. Answer the following question.   Q1. Give an overview of the case   Q2. Analyze the project work in the case and opine how the firm began sending out 90% of invoices within the first 10 business days of the new month.

ISBM – A project involved the creation of a Wage & Salary Program. Read More »

ISBM – A Market Research organization was looking for a way to assess employee behaviors

Principles and Practice of Management   Case Studies Case (20 Marks) A Market Research organization was looking for a way to assess employee behaviors that were unrelated to actual job performance. In other words, every employee has a responsibility to be a “good corporate citizen” beyond doing his/her job. This firm was interested in a methodology for assessing an employee’s impact on the culture of the organization. We worked with the firm to implement our proprietary Behavior Assessment Program by working with its management to identify the attributes and values that management wanted to reinforce. We also trained the managers to implement the Behavior Assessment within the company. Answer the following question.   Q1. Discuss the importance of employee behavior assessment.   Q2. Debate the impact of employees\’ behavior on the culture of the organization  

ISBM – A Market Research organization was looking for a way to assess employee behaviors Read More »

ISBM – A high level US executive from New York

Business Communication   CASE STUDY (20 Marks)   A high-level US executive from New York, who was being groomed to be the next CEO of a Japanese company, had a very strong New York accent. Usually, we only work with international executives, but because they needed results fast and I knew the hiring manager, we agreed to work with him. Problem: Due to his heavy accent he was perceived as less educated here in California, even though he was very smart and had an MS degree from Cornell University. To make matters worse, he worked for an Asian company whose executives came to hear his “State of the Company” speech twice a year, and they always had to pay special attention when he spoke. Answer the following question.   Q1. Give a solution to the above problem   Q2. Give an overview of the case.

ISBM – A high level US executive from New York Read More »

ISBM – A French company Allen Sunny Perfumes has introduced a perfume

Marketing Management Case Study (20 Marks) A French company Allen Sunny Perfumes has introduced a perfume under the brand name RK, named after the charismatic celebrity Ranbir Kapoor. The perfume is available in two variants, RK Silver for men and RK Gold for Women. The perfumes are priced at Rs. 5000 for a 100ml pump spray bottle. The strategy may be to capture a large number of consumers who are oriented toward film celebrities. Advertising is planned through television satellite channels and magazines. Answer the following question.   Q1. Analyze the decision taken by the company to have Ranbir Kapoor as the brand ambassador of the perfume from the viewpoint of “reference group behavior.   Q2. Discuss how the company could segment, target, and position its market.   Q3. What type of pricing strategy will you suggest for the product?   Q4. What alternative promotional media do you suggest to the company for its better placement?

ISBM – A French company Allen Sunny Perfumes has introduced a perfume Read More »

ISBM – A Food specialty is presently headed by Nandan Vinayak.

International Human Resource Management   Case study (20 Marks) A Food specialty is presently headed by Nandan Vinayak. The company is doing business very well and its profits are on a continuous rise. The company has maintained a steady profitability, sales, and performance track record. The employees are mostly less paid and less educated. Most of them are semiskilled and come from nearby rural areas. Mr. Nandan is quite happy with the existing situation. He has recently launched an expansion program that has fetched him grand success. The new products of the company are highly appreciated. In discussion with his closest colleagues, he decided to institute a program of employees rewarding employees with silver potteries. The types of silver wear were to vary from employee to employee depending on his tenure of service and cadre in which he has served. Mr. Nandan felt that he would receive a grand reception on this announcement. The announcement was made on 12th October to offer Diwali Gifts to the employees. Instead, after he cheerfully presented his plan, he faced a silent group of weary workers staring back at him in near disbelief. Most of them were nervous and unhappy. They thought that this was not what they expected for the tremendous labor put in as a reward. Mr. Nandan was puzzled at the pathetic response of the workers. Answer the following question.   Q1. Analyze the case   Q2. Was the incentive scheme wrong in any way? Winning with Bureaucracy at McDonald’s (20 Marks)  

ISBM – A Food specialty is presently headed by Nandan Vinayak. Read More »