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ISBM – A Regional Administration Office of a company was hastily set up.

Essential of Management


CASE STUDY (20 Marks)


A Regional Administration Office of a company was hastily set up. Victor D.Cuhna a young executive was directly recruited to take charge of the Data Processing Cell of this office. The data processing was to help the administrative office in planning and monitoring. The officer cadre of the administrative office was a mix of directly recruited officers and promoted officers (promotion from within the organization). Females dominated the junior clerical cadre. This cadre was not formally trained. The administrative office had decided to give these fresh recruits on-the-job training because when results were not up to the expectations blame was brought on the Data Processing Cell. Victor D.Cuhna realized that the administrative office was heading for trouble. He also realized that certain functional aspects of the administrative office were not clearly understood by various functionaries, and systems and procedures were blindly and randomly followed. Feedback was random, scanty, and controversial, and the Data Processing Cell had to verify every item of feedback. Delays were inevitable. D.Cuhna sought the permission of senior management to conduct a seminar on communication and feedback of which he was an expert. The permission was grudgingly given by the senior management. Everyone appreciated the seminar. Following the first seminar, D.Cuhna conducted a one-week training course for the clerical cadre, especially for the junior, freshly recruited clerks.


Q1. Diagnose the problem and enumerate the reasons for the failure of D.Cuhna.


Q2. What is Training? Explain the different methods of training.

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