What was the cause of fear in RBM?


Case I: IIBMS – PANDIT TO AFAUZI IIBMS – PANDIT TO AFAUZI – IIBMS The case is based on an actual incident which took place in an Army unit operationally deployed in a field area just a few months before the 1971 showdown with Pakistan. The opposing forces of India and Pakistan were taking their respective positions in a pre-war scenario. The clouds of showdown were looming large over the horizons of both the countries. The rumbling of own tanks and guns, the reconnaissance, leaders of different arms and services establishing liaison with one another in the process of formulating plans for both defence and attack, digging of main and contingency positions was in progress, complete war machinery was being mobilized, camouflaged, and concealed. Ammunition and other explosives were being unloaded and dug down. Junior leaders were being briefed and rebriefed, communications were being checked, and troops were being motivated and looked after as most of them were green because of their sudden induction in the Army in post war days of 1965. Such was the scene which convinced all and sundry that war was imminent. Most of the troops looked forward to a showdown mainly because they wanted to get rid of the heavy ammunition as also for the mere thrill of it. Those who had not seen a battle, seemed excited over the prospects of a war and those who had seen the war, took everything in their stride, displaying a perfect cool, calm and confident countenance. One Ram Bali Mishra (RBM) was a raw and green jawan of about 20 years of age and two years\’ service and naturally had not seen a war. He was relatively tall, well built with fair complexion. He had pleasant manners, turned himself out well and spoke well. He was a complete teetotaler, non-smoker, and a vegetarian. He was well educated and well versed in religious affairs, particularly, of the religion to which most of the unit belonged. In the absence of the religious teacher of the unit, he held religious institute (dharamsthal) and gave religious discourses at the dharamsthal to all officers, junior commissioned officers JCOs), non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and jawans. During the pre-war days, he was performing the duties of a Sahayak (assistant, formerly known as orderly) to Gun Position Officer (GPO), a young officer, of the rank of a Second Lieutenant with one year of service. RBM\’s charter of duties included: (a) Attending all the training activities of his trade (telephone operator) which were being organized in the sub-unit; (b) Making arrangements to get the food from the officers\’ mess and water from the tube- well for the office; and (c) Attending the telephone and noting down all the messages for the office. By virtue of the nature and timings of these duties, RBM was excused physical training in the morning and games in the evening which all other jawans of the sub-unit attended. He was generally happy with these duties and working with the officer: After a short span of a week or so, the officer noticed some changes in the behavior of RBM. He also looked pale and worried. He was less talkative, less lively and his interaction with other jawans decreased. He started keeping aloof except where his duties warranted interaction with others. The officer tried to find the reasons from RBM but nothing emerged except a shy and coy smile and “aisi to koi baat Nai, Sahib\”. The officer tried to probe further to find out if some guilt conscience was bothering him because of some bad habit which young man of his age is likely to fall prey to, in the absence, of even visual contact of civil life and members of the opposite sex.   This was denied vehemently. After another week or so, it was noticed that RBM had developed constipation, ate very little, felt tired after walking even a few hundred yards and had become weak. He was interviewed by the officer but nothing emerged once again. He was sent to the Regimental Medical Officer (RMO). The RMO inspected him and gave some medicines. On being contacted by the officer, the RMO mentioned that there was nothing wrong medically with RBM except that he was scared of the prospects of war. He even disclosed that after having been medically examined, RBM even started giving a discourse to the RMO on the bad effects of a war on environment, economy, costs, etc. He stated that people would be loaded with sufferings; killed, injured, maimed, and would become homeless. The children would become orphans, women widowed, and the humanity would suffer. He vehemently advised the RMO to make all attempts to stop the war and if he could, at least oppose it. After a brief conversation, the RMO was convinced that all the symptoms pointed to a fear psychosis of war. He gave some medicines to RBM and sent him to the sub-unit. The RMO told the GPO that because of the worry about the war, RBM had developed problems of digestion and hence, ate less, became inactive and felt tired quickly. He had earlier been feeling shy of expressing his apprehensions about the war to others, lest they consider him a coward. The GPO gave a thought to the whole problem and interviewed RBM, advising him to attend· all physical activities, including physical training, weapon training, games, etc. thence on. The officer also planned to keep RBM among the persons of his trade, specially in the command post which controlled the firing of the guns, where from the officer himself was expected to control the\’ fire in case of breakout of war. A small cadre (class) was organized for all ranks of the sub-unit to apprise them of the organization of all arms and services in the army, starting from the level of a sub-unit. They were explained the tactics in the battlefields, the deployment patterns of different arms, the pattern and modes of support by the Air Force, the


IIBMS – Principal Practice Management Answer sheet

Principal Practice Management IIBMS – Principal Practice Management What was the cause of fear in RBM? What were the symptoms of fear displayed by RBM? How did the RMO come to know of the war phobia of RBM? What actions should be taken to avoid building up of fear among the troops? Which of these steps were taken by the officer? Discuss merits/demerits of the role of strike, agitation and legal approach in union management relations. What role does mutual trust play in building union-management relations? What were the strengths and weaknesses of VSNL? Do you think that VSNL should have changed its thrust from basic telephony to cellular services? If you were the Deputy General Manager, what strategies would you have undertaken to deal with the competition? What environmental factors influenced management style at Disney? What kind(s) of organizational structure seem to be consistent with “Dream as a Team” ? How and where might the informal organization be a real asset at Disney ? How were principles of delegation and decentralization incorporated into Cine – Made operations? What are the sources and uses of power at Cin – Made? What were some of the barriers to delegation and empowerment at Cin –Made? What lessons about management in a rapidly changing marketplace can be learned from the experience of Cin – Made With retailers as their primary customers, what customer competitive imperatives could be affected by Rollerblade’s inventory problems? How appropriate might a just – in – time inventory system be for a product such as roller skates?” What opportunities are therefore Rollerblade managers to see FOR themselves as selling services, instead of simply roller skates? Principal Practice Management What op portunities and threats did McDonald’s face ? How did it handle them ? What alternatives could it have chosen ? Before McDonald’s entered the European market, few people believed that fast food could be successful in Europe. Why do you think McDonald’s has succeeded ? What strategies did it follow ? How did these differ from its strategies in Asia ? What is McDonald’s basic philosophy ? How does it enforce this philosophy and adapt to different environments ? Should McDonald’s expand its menu ? If you say no, then why not ? If you say yes, what kinds of precuts should it add ? Why is McDonald’s successful in many countries around the world ? Can a division manager develop verifiable goals, or objectives, when the president has not assigned them to him or her? How? What king of information or help do you believe is important for the division manager to have from headquarters? Was the division manager setting goals in the best way? What would you have done? Evaluate the formulation of the merger between Daimler and Chrysler. Discuss the strategic fit and the different product lines. Assess the international perspectives of Eaton and Schrempp. What are the difficulties in merging the organizational cultures of the two companies? What is the probability of success of failure of the merger? What other mergersdo you foresee in the car industry? The re-engineering efforts focused on the business process system. Do you think other processes, such as the human system, or other managerial policies need to be considered in a process redesign? What do you think was the reaction of the brand managers, who may have worked under the old system for many years, when the category management structure was installed? As a consultant, would you have recommended a top-down or bottom-up approach, or both, to process redesign and organizational change? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? Is the Hewlett – Packard way of managing creating a climate in which employees are motivated to contribute to the aims of the organization? What is unique about the HP Way? Would the HP managerial style work in any organization? Why, or why not? What are the conditions for such a style to work? In the NUMMI joint venture, what did Toyota gain? What were the benefits for General Motors? As a consultant, what strategies would you recommend for European carmakers to improve their competitive position in the global car industry PRINCIPLE & PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT What can Joshi and her staff do to select the type of entry-level candidates they want? How can Joshi ensure that those who are hired come to accept the core cultural values of the hospital? What steps would you recommend? (a) Do you think the number of units of a product to be manufactured is a random number? Explain your reasoning. (b) How does one determine the number of units of a product to be manufactured in an organization? (c) What are the elements you would take into consideration for forecasting the production and sales requirement of the product developed by Leo Medical Center? (d) How would you go about planning and organizing the manufacturing and selling efforts of the organization? (a) What type or types of organization design do you feel this task force should recommend in the third and final phase of the approach to their assignment? (b) Explain how the systems and the contingency theories of organization can each contribute to the analysis of this case. (c) Do you think Hari Mohan was correct in his suggestion of how the task force should proceed? What types of problems might develop as by-products of the recommendation you made in question 1 (a) Discuss the nature and characteristics of the problems in this case. (b) What steps should be taken by Mr Kumar to overcome these problems? Is George’s view of the situation realistic? How do you evaluate Vipulabh’s position? How might this conflict be associated with factors in the formal organization? What should the president of Simplex Mills do now? IIBMS – Principal Practice Management At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals

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