IIBMS – The Grizzly Bear Lodge

CASE – 5   The Grizzly Bear Lodge  IIBMS – The Grizzly Bear Lodge Diane and Rudy Conrad own a small lodge outside Yellowstone National Park. Their lodge has 15 rooms that can accommodate up to 40 guests, with some rooms set up for families. Diane and Rudy serve a continental breakfast on weekdays and a full breakfast on weekends, included in the room they charge. Their busy season runs from May through September, but they remain open until Thanksgiving and reopen in April for a short spring season. They currently employ one cook and two waitpersons for the breakfasts on weekends, handling the other breakfasts themselves. They also have several housekeeping staff members, a groundkeeper, and a front-desk employee. The Conrads take pride in the efficiency of their operation, including the loyalty of their employees, which they attribute to their own form of clan control. If a guest needs something—whether it’s a breakfast catered to a special diet or an extra set of towels—Grizzly Bear workers are empowered to supply it. The Conrads are considering expanding their business. They have been offered the opportunity to buy the property next door, which would give them the space to build an annex containing an additional 20 rooms. Currently, their annual sales total $300,000. With expenses running $230,000—including mortgage, payroll, maintenance, and so forth—the Conrads’ annual income is $70,000. They want to expand and make improvements without cutting back on the personal service they offer to their guests. In fact, in addition to hiring more staff to handle the larger facility, they are considering collaborating with more local business to offer guided rafting, fishing, hiking, and horseback riding trips. They also want to expand their food service to include dinner during the high season, which means renovating the restaurant area of the lodge and hiring more kitchen and wait staff. Ultimately, the Conrads would like the lodge to open year-round, offering guests opportunities to cross-country ski, ride snow-mobiles, or hike in winter. They hope to offer holiday packages for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s celebrations in the great outdoors. The Conrads report that their employees are enthusiastic about their plans and want to stay with them through the expansion process. “This is our dream business,” says Rudy. “We’re only at the beginning.” Questions Discuss how Rudy and Diane can use feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls both now and in future at the Grizzly Bear Lodge to ensure their guests’ satisfaction. What might be some of the fundamental budgetary considerations the Conrads would have as they plan the expansion of their logic? Describe how the Conrads could use market controls plans and implement their expansion. IIBMS – The Grizzly Bear Lodge At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery; ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). IIBMS Answer Sheets IIBMS Mumbai IIBMS Bangalore Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized IIBMS Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable IIBMS Assistance Get expert assistance with your IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your IIBMS Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your IIBMS Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your IIBMS Institute assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets. IIBMS Institute Project Report Writing Services IIBMS Institute Customized Project Reports IIBMS Institute Project Support IIBMS Institute Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports IIBMS Institute Quality Project Documentation IIBMS Institute Expert Project Report Writers IIBMS Institute Comprehensive Project Analysis IIBMS Institute Structured Project Report Services IIBMS Institute Detailed Project Documentation IIBMS Project Evaluation Support IIBMS Institute Custom Project Report Formats IIBMS Institute Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project Reports IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments, solved papers, and study materials are available through our academic writing services. Seeking assistance with IIBMS Institute coursework? Our professional team delivers accurate and timely solutions for all your academic needs. Our specialized academic writing support simplifies access to IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) question papers and model answers. Need expert guidance for your IIBMS Institute assessments? Our service offers comprehensive solutions for students seeking assistance. Our academic writing services ensure precise and high-quality answers for IIBMS Institute assignments, aiding students in their educational journey. Academic writing professionals play a crucial role in assisting students with their university assignments, striving to achieve several key goals: Quality Assurance: Their primary aim is to deliver high-quality content that meets academic standards and fulfills the requirements of the university assignments. This involves thorough research, proper structuring, and adherence to guidelines provided by

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IIBMS – The Law Offices of Jeter, Jackson, Guidry, and Boyer

CASE – 4   The Law Offices of Jeter, Jackson, Guidry, and Boyer THE EVOLUTION OF THE FIRM IIBMS – The Law Offices of Jeter, Jackson, Guidry, and Boyer David Jeter and Nate Jackson started a small general law practice in 1992 near Sacramento, California. Prior to that, the two had spent five years in the district attorney’s office after completing their formal schooling. What began as a small partnership—just the two attorneys and a paralegal/assistant—had now grown into a practice that employed more than 27 people in three separated towns. The current staff included 18 attorneys (three of whom have become partners), three paralegals, and six secretaries. For the first time in the firm’s existence, the partners felt that they were losing control of their overall operation. The firm’s current caseload, number of employees, number of clients, travel requirements, and facilities management needs had grown far beyond anything that the original partners had ever imagined. Attorney Jeter called a meeting of the partners to discuss the matter. Before the meeting, opinions about the pressing problems of the day and proposed solutions were sought from the entire staff. The meeting resulted in a formal decision to create a new position, general manager of operations. The partners proceeded to compose a job description and job announcement for recruiting purposes. Highlights and responsibilities of the job description include: Supervising day-to-day office personnel and operations (phones, meetings, word processing, mail, billings, payroll, general overhead, and maintenance). Improving customer relations (more expeditious processing of cases and clients). Expanding the customer base. Enhancing relations with the local communities. Managing the annual budget and related incentive programs. Maintaining annual growth in sales of 10 percent while maintaining or exceeding the current profit margin.   The general manager will provide an annual executive summary to the partners, along with specific action plans for improvement and change. A search committee was formed, and two months later the new position was offered to Brad Howser, a longtime administrator from the insurance industry seeking a final career change and a return to his California roots. Howser made it clear that he was willing to make a five-year commitment to the position and would then likely retire. Things got off to a quiet and uneventful start as Howser spent few months just getting to know the staff, observing day-today operations; and reviewing and analyzing assorted client and attorney data and history, financial spreadsheets, and so on. About six months into the position, Howser became more outspoken and assertive with the staff and established several new operational rules and procedures. He began by changing the regular working hours. The firm previously had a flex schedule in place that allowed employees to begin and end the workday at their choosing within given parameters. Howser did not care for such a “loose schedule” and now required that all office personnel work from 9:00 to 5:00 each day. A few staff member were unhappy about this and complained to Howser, who matter-of-factly informed them that “this is the new rule that everyone is expected to follow, and anyone who could or would not comply should probably look for another job.” Sylvia Bronson, an administrative assistant who had been with the firm for several years, was particularly unhappy about this change. She arranged for a private meeting with Howser to discuss her child care circumstances and the difficulty that the new schedule presented. Howser seemed to listen half-heartedly and at one point told Bronson that “assistance are essentially a-dime-a-dozen and are readily available.” Bronson was seen leaving the office in tears that day. Howser was not happy with the average length of time that it took to receive payments for services rendered to the firm’s clients (accounts receivable). A closer look showed that 30 percent of the clients paid their bills in 30 days or less, 60 percent paid in 30 to 60 days, and the remaining 10 percent stretched it out to as  many as 120 days. Howser composed a letter that was sent to all clients whose outstanding invoices exceeded 30 days. The strongly worded letter demanded immediate payment in full and went on to indicate that legal action might be taken against anyone who did not respond in timely fashion. While a small number of “late” payments were received soon after the mailing, the firm received an even larger number of letters and phone calls from angry clients, some of whom had been with the firm since its inception. Howser was given an advertising and promotion budget for purposes of expanding the client base. One of the paralegals suggested that those expenditures should be carefully planned and that the firm had several attorneys who knew the local markets quite well and could probably offer some insights and ideas on the subject. Howser thought about this briefly and then decided to go it alone, reasoning that most attorneys know little or nothing about marketing. In an attempt to “bring all of the people together to form a team,” Howser established weekly staff meetings. These mandatory, hour-long sessions were run by Howser, who presented a series of overhead slides, handouts, and lectures about “some of the proven management techniques that were successful in the insurance industry.” The meetings typically ran past the allotted time frame and rarely if ever covered all of the agenda items. Howser spent some of his time “enhancing community relations.” He was very generous with many local groups such as the historical society, the garden clubs, the recreational sports programs, the middle-and high-school band programs, and others. In less than six months he had written checks and authorized donations totaling more than $25,000. He was delighted about all this and was certain that such gestures of goodwill would pay off handsomely in the future. As for the budget, Howser carefully reviewed each line item in search of ways to increase revenues and cut expenses. He then proceeded to increase the expected base or quota for attorney’s monthly billable hours, thus directly

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IIBMS – The New Frontier for Fresh Foods Supermarkets

CASE – 3   The New Frontier for Fresh Foods Supermarkets IIBMS – The New Frontier for Fresh Foods Supermarkets Fresh Foods Supermarket is a grocery store chain that was established in the Southeast 20 years ago. The company is now beginning to expand to other regions of the United States. First, the firm opened new stores along the eastern seaboard, gradually working its way up through Maryland and Washington, DC, then through New York and New jersey, and on into Connecticut and Massachusetts. It has yet to reach the northern New England states, but executives have decided to turn their attention to the Southwest, particularly because of the growth of population there. Vivian Noble, the manager of one of the chain’s most successful stores in the Atlanta area, has been asked to relocate to Phoenix, Arizona, to open and run a new Fresh Foods Supermarket. She has decided to accept the job, but she knows it will be a challenge. As an African American woman, she has faced some prejudice during her career, but she refuses to be stopped by a glass ceiling or any other barrier. She understands that she will be living and working in an area where several cultures combine and collide, and she will be hiring and managing a diverse workforce. Noble has the support of top management at Fresh Foods, which wants the store to reflect the surrounding community—in both staff makeup and product selection. So she will be looking to hire employees with Hispanic and Native American roots, as well as older workers who can relate to the many retired residents in the area. And she will be seeking their inputs on the selection of certain food products, including ethnic brands, so that customers know they can buy what they need and want a Fresh Foods. In addition, Noble wants to make sure that Fresh Foods provides services above and beyond those of a standard supermarket to attract local consumers. For instance, she wants the store to offer free delivery of groceries to home-bound customers who are either senior citizens or physically disabled. She wants to be sure that the store has enough bilingual employees to translate for and otherwise assist customers who speak little or no English. Noble believes that she is a pioneer of sorts, guiding Fresh Foods Supermarkets into a new frontier. “The sky is almost blue here,” she says of her new home state. “And there’s no glass ceiling between me and the sky.” Questions   What steps can Vivian Noble take to recruit and develop her new workforce? What other ways can Noble help her company reach out to the community? How will Fresh Foods Supermarkets as whole benefit from successfully moving into this new region of the country? IIBMS – The New Frontier for Fresh Foods Supermarkets At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery; ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). IIBMS Answer Sheets IIBMS Mumbai IIBMS Bangalore Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized IIBMS Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable IIBMS Assistance Get expert assistance with your IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your IIBMS Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your IIBMS Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your IIBMS Institute assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets.   IIBMS Institute Project Report Writing Services IIBMS Institute Customized Project Reports IIBMS Institute Project Support IIBMS Institute Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports IIBMS Institute Quality Project Documentation IIBMS Institute Expert Project Report Writers IIBMS Institute Comprehensive Project Analysis IIBMS Institute Structured Project Report Services IIBMS Institute Detailed Project Documentation IIBMS Project Evaluation Support IIBMS Institute Custom Project Report Formats IIBMS Institute Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project Reports   IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments, solved papers, and study materials are available through our academic writing services. Seeking assistance with IIBMS Institute coursework? Our professional team delivers accurate and timely solutions for all your academic needs. Our specialized academic writing support simplifies access to IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) question papers and model answers. Need expert guidance for your IIBMS Institute assessments? Our service offers comprehensive solutions for students seeking assistance. Our academic writing services ensure precise and high-quality answers for IIBMS Institute assignments, aiding students in their educational journey.   Academic writing professionals play a crucial role in assisting students with their university assignments, striving to achieve several key goals: Quality Assurance: Their primary aim is to deliver high-quality

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IIBMS – Your Job and Your Passion—You Can Pursue Both!

CASE – 1   Your Job and Your Passion—You Can Pursue Both! IIBMS – Your Job and Your Passion—You Can Pursue Both! The 21st century offers many challenges to every one of us. As more firms go global, as more economies interconnect, and as the Web blasts away boundaries to communication, we become more informed citizens. This interconnectedness means that the organizations you work for will require you to develop both general and specialized knowledge—such as speaking multiple languages, using various software applications, or understanding details of financial transactions. You will have to develop general management skills to foster your ability to be self-reliant and thrive in a changing market-place. And here’s the exciting part: As you build both types of knowledge, you may be able to integrate your growing expertise with the causes or activities you care most about. Or, your career adventure may lead you to a new passion. Former presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton are well known for combining their management skills—running a country—with their passion for helping people around the world. Together they have raised funds to assist disaster victims, those with HIV/AIDS, and others in need. Jake Burton turned his love of snow sports into an entire industry when he founded Burton Snowboards. Annie Withey poured her business and marketing knowledge into her two famous business ventures: Smartfood and Annie’s Homegrown. Both products were the result of her passion for healthful foods made from organic ingredients. As you enter the workforce, you may have no idea where your career path will lead. You may be asking yourself, “How will I fit in?” “Where will I live?” “How much will I earn?” “Where will my business and personal careers evolve as the world continuous to change at such a fast pace?” If you are feeling nervous because you don’t know the answers to these questions yet, relax. A career is a journey, not a single destination. You may have one type of career or several. It is likely you will work for several organisations, or you may run one or more businesses of your own. As you ask yourself what you want to do and where you want to be, take a few minutes to review the chapter and its main topics. Think about your personality, what you like and dislike, what you know and what you want to learn, what you fear and what you dream. Then try the following exercise. Questions   Create a three-column chart in which the first column lists nonmanagement skills you have. Are you good at travel? Do you know how to build furniture? Are you a whiz at sports statistics? Are you an innovative cook? Do you play video games for hours? In the second column, list the causes or activities about which you are passionate. These may dovetail with the first list, but they might not. Once you have you two columns complete, draw lines between entries that seem compatible. If you are good at building furniture, you might have also listed a concern about families who are homeless. Remember that not all entries will find a match—the idea is to begin finding some connections. In the third column, generate a list of firms or organizations you know about that reflect your interests. If you are good at building furniture, you might be interested working for the Habitat for Humanity organization, or you might find yourself gravitating towards a furniture retailer like Ikea or Ethan Allen. You can do further research on organizations via Internet or business publications. IIBMS – Your Job and Your Passion—You Can Pursue Both! At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery; ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). IIBMS Answer Sheets IIBMS Mumbai IIBMS Bangalore Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized IIBMS Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable IIBMS Assistance Get expert assistance with your IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your IIBMS Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your IIBMS Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your IIBMS Institute assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets. IIBMS Institute Project Report Writing Services IIBMS Institute Customized Project Reports IIBMS Institute Project Support IIBMS Institute Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports IIBMS Institute Quality Project Documentation IIBMS Institute Expert Project Report Writers IIBMS Institute Comprehensive Project Analysis IIBMS Institute Structured Project Report Services IIBMS Institute Detailed Project Documentation IIBMS Project Evaluation Support IIBMS Institute Custom Project Report Formats IIBMS Institute Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project

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IIBMS – Coke’s European Scare

CASE  1:  Coke’s European Scare IIBMS – Coke’s European Scare  What seemed like an isolated incident of a few bad cans of Coca-Cola at a school in Belgium turned into near disaster for the soft drink giant’s European operations. In June 1999, Coke experienced its worst nightmare—a contamination scare resulting in the recall of 14 million cases of Coke products in five European countries and a huge blow to consumer confidence in the quality and safety of the world’s most recognizable brand.             After the initial scare in Bornem, Belgium, Coke and Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), a bottler 40 per cent owned by Coca-Cola, thought they isolated the problem. Scientists at the CCE bottling plant in Antwerp found that lapses in quality control had led to contaminated carbon dioxide that were used in the bottling of a recent batch of Coke. Company officials saw the contamination as minor problem and they issued an apology to the school.             At the same time that the problems were being dealt with an Antwerp, things were breaking down at Coke’s Dunkirk, France, bottling plant. In Belsele, 10 miles from Bornem, children and teachers were complaining of illnesses related to drinking Coke products. The vending machines at the school were stocked with Coke from the company’s Dunkirk plant and were thought to be safe. Now a second bottling plant’s practices were being questioned. What initially seemed like an isolated incident was now a crisis.             Immediately following the second scare, Belgium’s health minister banned the sale of all products produced in the Antwerp and Dunkirk plants. Things got worse when Coke gave an incomplete set of recall codes to a school in Lochristi, Belgium, resulting in 38 children being rushed to the hospital. Immediately following this incident, French officials banned the sale of soft drinks produced in the Dunkirk plant. It was believed that fungicide on wooden shipping pallets were the cause of the illnesses at the Dunkirk plant.             On June 15, 1999, 11 days after the initial scare in Bornem, Coke finally issued an explanation to the public. Most Europeans were not satisfied. Coca-Cola officials used vague language and often contradicted one another when making statements. France’s health minister, Bernard Kouchner, stated, “That a company so very expert in advertising and marketing should be so poor in communicating on this matter is astonishing”             After three weeks of testing by both Coke officials and French government scientists, it was concluded that the plants were safe and that there was no immediate threat to the health of consumers. Coke has destroyed all of the pallets in Dunkirk and tightened quality control on co2.             How could this happen to the company that is revered worldwide for its quality control and the superiority of its products? Coke has spent decades building its reputation overseas and the European market now represent 73 per cent of total profits. While the scare has had some effect on Coke’s profits in Europe, the company is more concerned with damages to its reputation and consumer confidence in its products.             Many critics say that Coke’s slow response time, insisting that no real problem existed and belated apology have severely damaged the company’s reputation in Europe. Some would disagree and feel that Coke handled the situation as best it could. “I think that Coke acted in a responsible, diligent way,” says John Sitcher, editor of Beverage Digest. “Their first responsibility was to ascertain the facts in a clear and unequivocal way. And as soon as Coke knew what the facts were, they put out a statement to the Belgium people.”             The character and quality of a company can often be measured by how it responds to adversity. Coca-Cola believes that this crisis has forced the company to re-examine both its marketing and management strategies in Europe. Coke executives in Brussels are predicting that the company will double its European sales in the next decade and that this setback will only make the company stronger. Wall Street analysts seem to agree. Only time will tell. Question: What are the management issues in this case? What did Coke do and what could have been done differently? What are the key factors that were or should have been considered by management? IIBMS – Coke’s European Scare At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery; ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). IIBMS Answer Sheets IIBMS Mumbai IIBMS Bangalore Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized IIBMS Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable IIBMS Assistance Get expert assistance with your IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your IIBMS Institute exams, offering precise guidance and

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IIBMS – MANAGEMENT PROBLEM 6 IIBMS – MANAGEMENT PROBLEM 6 The traditional organization is characterized by tacit understandings among managers and subordinates. In some instances, the rights and responsibilities of each group are contained in a detailed contract, such as the one between a union and management. Under a tacit understanding, an employee responds to a supervisor for a number of reasons. Custom or habit is a very important reason; organizations throughout history have functional through a hierarchical relationship like that found in the armed forces. A manager usually has the ability to determine the subordinate’s pay and can even arrange to have the subordinate dismissed. Because there is a long history of this type of relationship, most people in organizations are quite comfortable with it.             In some of the organizations described in this chapter managers form alliances with various partners. These alliance firms may provide a virtual component for your organization. However the employees involved in this alliance do work for two different firms. How does a manager manage under these conditions? Suppose that your firm enters into a relationship with another firm to take over its inventory of raw materials and to become a just-in-time supplier. The partner firm hires your former inventory employees so they no longer work directly for you. Describe the role of a manager in working with an alliance partner that provides you with a virtual component of your firm? IIBMS – MANAGEMENT PROBLEM 6 At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery; ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). IIBMS Answer Sheets IIBMS Mumbai IIBMS Bangalore Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized IIBMS Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable IIBMS Assistance Get expert assistance with your IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your IIBMS Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your IIBMS Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your IIBMS Institute assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets. IIBMS Institute Project Report Writing Services IIBMS Institute Customized Project Reports IIBMS Institute Project Support IIBMS Institute Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports IIBMS Institute Quality Project Documentation IIBMS Institute Expert Project Report Writers IIBMS Institute Comprehensive Project Analysis IIBMS Institute Structured Project Report Services IIBMS Institute Detailed Project Documentation IIBMS Project Evaluation Support IIBMS Institute Custom Project Report Formats IIBMS Institute Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project Reports IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments, solved papers, and study materials are available through our academic writing services. Seeking assistance with IIBMS Institute coursework? Our professional team delivers accurate and timely solutions for all your academic needs. Our specialized academic writing support simplifies access to IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) question papers and model answers. Need expert guidance for your IIBMS Institute assessments? Our service offers comprehensive solutions for students seeking assistance. Our academic writing services ensure precise and high-quality answers for IIBMS Institute assignments, aiding students in their educational journey. Academic writing professionals play a crucial role in assisting students with their university assignments, striving to achieve several key goals: Quality Assurance: Their primary aim is to deliver high-quality content that meets academic standards and fulfills the requirements of the university assignments. This involves thorough research, proper structuring, and adherence to guidelines provided by the educational institution. Originality and Plagiarism-Free Content: Professionals in this field emphasize originality by creating authentic content free from plagiarism. To maintain academic integrity, they ensure that all information is appropriately cited and referenced. Meeting Deadlines: Timely submission is a significant goal for academic writing professionals. They work within specified deadlines to provide students with completed assignments, enabling them to submit their work punctually. Clear and Coherent Communication: Professionals strive to convey complex ideas in a clear, coherent, and academically appropriate manner. They focus on effective communication to ensure the content is easily understandable to the target audience. Supporting Learning and Comprehension: Beyond completing assignments, academic writing professionals aim to support students\’ learning by providing explanations, analysis, and additional resources that help students grasp the subject matter more comprehensively. Customization and Client Satisfaction: They tailor their services to individual student needs, providing personalized assistance and ensuring client satisfaction by addressing specific requirements and preferences. Continuous Improvement: Academic writing professionals continuously update their knowledge base, research techniques, and writing skills to adapt to evolving academic standards and deliver the best possible support to students.



MANAGEMENT PROBLEM 5 IIBMS – MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS 5 Block and Thomas, a regional stockbrokerage firm, hired a chief information officer (CIO), a senior manager who is responsible for all technology in the firm. The brokerage firm uses technology heavily as is typical in the industry. Block and Thomas has a number of systems to process stock trades and support its brokers. It also subscribes to a broker workstation system provided by a market data vendor. Each broker has a personal computer that provides a great deal of data and analytic capabilities in different windows on the screen. The new CIO surveyed users and potential users at Block and Thomas. He concluded that in the past, users had very negative attitudes toward systems. However, the interviews he conducted convinced him that users’ attitudes were now different. The users described problems but also mentioned that they were very optimistic about the potential of technology and wished they could implement the technology faster. The new CIO was surprised by the creative suggestions that came from users during the interviews. What events do you think are responsible for the new attitudes on the part of users? How can the CIO take advantage of them? IIBMS – MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS 5 At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery; ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). IIBMS Answer Sheets IIBMS Mumbai IIBMS Bangalore Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized IIBMS Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable IIBMS Assistance Get expert assistance with your IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your IIBMS Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your IIBMS Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your IIBMS Institute assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets. IIBMS Institute Project Report Writing Services IIBMS Institute Customized Project Reports IIBMS Institute Project Support IIBMS Institute Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports IIBMS Institute Quality Project Documentation IIBMS Institute Expert Project Report Writers IIBMS Institute Comprehensive Project Analysis IIBMS Institute Structured Project Report Services IIBMS Institute Detailed Project Documentation IIBMS Project Evaluation Support IIBMS Institute Custom Project Report Formats IIBMS Institute Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project Reports IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments, solved papers, and study materials are available through our academic writing services. Seeking assistance with IIBMS Institute coursework? Our professional team delivers accurate and timely solutions for all your academic needs. Our specialized academic writing support simplifies access to IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) question papers and model answers. Need expert guidance for your IIBMS Institute assessments? Our service offers comprehensive solutions for students seeking assistance. Our academic writing services ensure precise and high-quality answers for IIBMS Institute assignments, aiding students in their educational journey. Academic writing professionals play a crucial role in assisting students with their university assignments, striving to achieve several key goals: Quality Assurance: Their primary aim is to deliver high-quality content that meets academic standards and fulfills the requirements of the university assignments. This involves thorough research, proper structuring, and adherence to guidelines provided by the educational institution. Originality and Plagiarism-Free Content: Professionals in this field emphasize originality by creating authentic content free from plagiarism. To maintain academic integrity, they ensure that all information is appropriately cited and referenced. Meeting Deadlines: Timely submission is a significant goal for academic writing professionals. They work within specified deadlines to provide students with completed assignments, enabling them to submit their work punctually. Clear and Coherent Communication: Professionals strive to convey complex ideas in a clear, coherent, and academically appropriate manner. They focus on effective communication to ensure the content is easily understandable to the target audience. Supporting Learning and Comprehension: Beyond completing assignments, academic writing professionals aim to support students\’ learning by providing explanations, analysis, and additional resources that help students grasp the subject matter more comprehensively. Customization and Client Satisfaction: They tailor their services to individual student needs, providing personalized assistance and ensuring client satisfaction by addressing specific requirements and preferences. Continuous Improvement: Academic writing professionals continuously update their knowledge base, research techniques, and writing skills to adapt to evolving academic standards and deliver the best possible support to students.



MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS 4 IIBMS – MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS 4 Dave Masters in vice president of manufacturing for Siliconix, an electronic components manufacturer. Siliconix runs most of its production control and factory systems on an IBM mainframe computer. The firm has just purchased another company that makes similar components, but the newly purchased another company that makes similar components, but the newly purchased division runs its applications using a package called SAP R/3 on a client-server computer configuration.           Masters has to decide what to do about the different computer applications. The staff of the corporate management department wants to make the new division feel welcome and does not want to upset its employees. Staff members argue that SAP is probably better than their old custom-programmed system on the mainframe. However, the implementation of SAP is a major task, and they do not recommend undertaking it right now. They are content to run the two systems separately.           Masters is concerned because he feels the entire company would be better off with a single production control system. However, he recognizes that the merger will cause some disruptions, and he questions the wisdom of undertaking a major systems conversion at the same time.         What do you recommend? How should Masters go about making his decision? At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing various programs at IIBMS (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). Our dedicated team comprises experienced professionals who excel in crafting precise and well-researched solutions for assignments and case studies across different disciplines and courses. Our commitment to aiding students in achieving academic success aligns perfectly with the educational standards upheld by IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). We understand the importance of delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique requirements of assignments and case studies within the institute\’s curriculum. Whether in MBA, EMBA, GMS, DMS, or any other programs offered at IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies), our team is equipped to provide expert guidance and meticulously crafted solutions. We prioritize accuracy, originality, and timely delivery; ensuring students receive the necessary assistance to excel academically. We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and providing dependable support to the esteemed students of IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies). IIBMS Answer Sheets IIBMS Mumbai IIBMS Bangalore Customized Answer Solutions MBA Assignment Solutions EMBA Case Study Solutions GMS Answer Sheets DMS Assignment Help Professional Writing Assistance Tailored Academic Solutions Comprehensive Answer Sheets Specialized IIBMS Support Academic Writing Services Timely Submission Support Expertly Crafted Answers Personalized Guidance Reliable IIBMS Assistance Get expert assistance with your IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments and answer sheets from our professional academic writing services. Our team specializes in supporting students with IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) coursework, ensuring top-notch answer sheets and comprehensive solutions. Ace, with our tailored assistance, your IIBMS Institute exams, offering precise guidance and accurate answer sheet preparation. Seeking reliable help for your IIBMS Institute studies? Trust our academic writing services for meticulously crafted answer sheets and exceptional support. Score high in your IIBMS Institute assessments by availing our expert aid in preparing comprehensive and well-structured answer sheets. IIBMS Institute Project Report Writing Services IIBMS Institute Customized Project Reports IIBMS Institute Project Support IIBMS Institute Professional Project Report Assistance Tailored Solutions for Project Reports IIBMS Institute Quality Project Documentation IIBMS Institute Expert Project Report Writers IIBMS Institute Comprehensive Project Analysis IIBMS Institute Structured Project Report Services IIBMS Institute Detailed Project Documentation IIBMS Project Evaluation Support IIBMS Institute Custom Project Report Formats IIBMS Institute Project Research and Analysis MBA/EMBA/GMS/DMS Project Reports IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) assignments, solved papers, and study materials are available through our academic writing services. Seeking assistance with IIBMS Institute coursework? Our professional team delivers accurate and timely solutions for all your academic needs. Our specialized academic writing support simplifies access to IIBMS Institute (Institute Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies) question papers and model answers. Need expert guidance for your IIBMS Institute assessments? Our service offers comprehensive solutions for students seeking assistance. Our academic writing services ensure precise and high-quality answers for IIBMS Institute assignments, aiding students in their educational journey. Academic writing professionals play a crucial role in assisting students with their university assignments, striving to achieve several key goals: Quality Assurance: Their primary aim is to deliver high-quality content that meets academic standards and fulfills the requirements of the university assignments. This involves thorough research, proper structuring, and adherence to guidelines provided by the educational institution. Originality and Plagiarism-Free Content: Professionals in this field emphasize originality by creating authentic content free from plagiarism. To maintain academic integrity, they ensure that all information is appropriately cited and referenced. Meeting Deadlines: Timely submission is a significant goal for academic writing professionals. They work within specified deadlines to provide students with completed assignments, enabling them to submit their work punctually. Clear and Coherent Communication: Professionals strive to convey complex ideas in a clear, coherent, and academically appropriate manner. They focus on effective communication to ensure the content is easily understandable to the target audience. Supporting Learning and Comprehension: Beyond completing assignments, academic writing professionals aim to support students\’ learning by providing explanations, analysis, and additional resources that help students grasp the subject matter more comprehensively. Customization and Client Satisfaction: They tailor their services to individual student needs, providing personalized assistance and ensuring client satisfaction by addressing specific requirements and preferences. Continuous Improvement: Academic writing professionals continuously update their knowledge base, research techniques, and writing skills to adapt to evolving academic standards and deliver the best possible support to students.



CASE: 5       ROUGH SEAS ON THE LINK650  IIBMS – ROUGH SEAS ON THE LINK650 Professor Suzanne Baxter was preparing for her first class of the semester when Shaun O’Neill knocked lightly on the open door and announced himself: “Hi, Professor, I don’t suppose you remember me?” Professor Baxter had large classes, but she did remember that Shaun was a student in her organizational behavior class two years earlier. Shaun had decided to work in the oil industry for a couple of years before returning to school to complete his diploma. “Welcome back!” Baxter said as she beckoned him into the office. “I heard you were working on an oil rig up in Canada. How was it?” “Well, Professor,” Shaun began, “I had worked two summers in the oil fields and my family’s from Canada, so I hoped to get a job on the LINK650. It’s that new WestOil drilling rig that arrived with so much fanfare in Newfoundland on Canada’s east coast two years ago. The LINK650 was built by LINK Inc. in Texas. A standard practice in this industry is for the rig manufacturer to manage its day-to-day operations, so employees on the LINK650 are managed by LINK managers with no involvement from WestOil. We all know that drilling rig jobs are dangerous, but they pay well and offer generous time off. A local newspaper said that nearly a thousand people lined up to complete job applications for the 50 nontechnical positions. I was lucky enough to get one of those jobs. “Everyone hired on the LINK650 was enthusiastic and proud. We were one of the chosen few and were really pumped up about working on a new rig that had received so much media attention. I was quite impressed with the recruiters—so were several other hires—because they really seemed to be concerned about our welfare out on the platform. I later discovered that the recruiters came from a consulting firm that specializes in hiring people. Come to think of it, we didn’t meet a single LINK manager during that process. Maybe things would have been different if some of those LINK supervisors had interviewed us. “Working on the LINK650 was a real shock even though most of us had some experience working in the oil fields. I’d say that none of the 50 nontechnical people hired was quite prepared for the brutal jobs on the oil rig. We did the dirtiest jobs in the biting cold winds of the North Atlantic. Still, during the first few months most of us wanted to show the company that we were dedicated to getting the job done. A couple of the new hires quit within a few weeks, but most of the people hired with me really got along well—you know, just like the ideas you mentioned in class. We formed a special bond that helped us through the bad weather and grueling work. “The LINK650 supervisors were another matter. They were tough SOBs who had worked for many years on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico or North Sea. They seemed to relish the idea of treating their employees the same way they had been treated before becoming managers. We put up their abuse for the first few months, but things got worse when the LINK650 was brought into portfolio twice to correct mechanical problems. These setbacks embarrassed LINK’s managers, and they put more pressure on the supervisors to get us back on schedule. “The supervisors started to ignore equipment problems and pushed us to get jobs done more quickly without regard to safety procedures. They routinely shouted obscenities at employees in front of others. A couple of my work mates were fired, a couple of others quit their jobs. I almost lost my job one day just because my boss thought I was deliberately working slowly. He didn’t realize—or care—that the fittings I was connecting were damaged. Several people started finding ways to avoid the supervisors and get as little work done as possible. Many of my coworkers developed back problems. We jokingly called it the ‘rigger’s backache’ because some employees faked their ailment to leave the rig with paid sick leave. “On top of the lousy supervisors, we were always kept in the dark about the problems on the rig. Supervisors said that they didn’t know anything, which was partly true; but they said we shouldn’t be so interested in things that didn’t concern us. But the rig’s problems, as well as its future contract work, were a major concern to crew members who weren\’t ready to quit. Their job security depended on the rig’s production levels and whether WestOil would sign contracts to drill new holes. Given the rig’s problems, most of us were concerned that we would be laid off at any time. “Everything came to a head when Bob MacKenzie was killed because someone secured a hoist improperly. Not sure if it was mentioned in the papers here, but it was big news around this time last year. The Canadian government inquiry concluded that the person responsible wasn’t properly trained and that employees were being pushed to finish jobs without safety precautions. Anyway, while the inquiry was going on, several employees decided to call the Seafarers International Union to unionize the rig. It wasn’t long before most employees on LINK650 had signed union cards. That really shocked LINK’s management and the entire oil industry because it was, I think, just the second time that a rig had ever been unionized in Canada. “Since then, management has been doing everything in its power to get rid of the union. It sent a ‘safety officer’ to the rig, although we eventually realized that he was a consultant the company hired to undermine union support. One safety meeting with compulsory attendance of all crew members involved watching a video describing the international union president’s association with organized crime. Several managers were sent to special seminars on how to manage a union workforce, although one of the



CASE: 4       THE RISE AND FALL OF MIKE SEARS IIBMS – THE RISE AND FALL OF MIKE SEARS Mike Sears was a prodigy of Harry Stonecipher, the blunt-talking, hard-driving aerospace executive who became CEO first of McDonnell Douglas and then Boeing. Picked by Stonecipher to lead the F-18 Hornet fighter program at McDonnell Douglas in the early 1990s, Sears earned a reputation as a skilled manager who restlessly cut costs and boosted productivity, building a program that was below costs and ahead of schedule. Stonecipher admired Sear’s effectiveness at assembling and managing cross-functional product development teams, establishing closer ties with suppliers and improving controls within his organization. When McDonnell Douglas was acquired by Boeing in 1996, Sears went with Stonecipher to the acquiring company, where Stonecipher became president until his retirement in 2002. Sears was appointed as chief financial officer. It was soon clear, however, that Sears was after the top spot. As CFO he was one of the obvious candidates in line to succeed Boeing CEO Phil Condit. Other contenders included Alan Mulally, head of Boeing’s commercial aerospace group, and James Albaugh, who ran Boeing’s defense systems business. According to company insiders, Sears began to take steps to amass a power base at his rivals’ expense. In 2002 Sears heard that Darleen Druyun, the top Air Force procurement officer, was looking to move into the private sector. Druyun was quite possibly the most sought-after executive-to-be in the entire aerospace industry. Because of her knowledge of the Pentagon procurement process and her contacts, Boeing and other aerospace companies tried hard to land her. James Albaugh had talked to her at least once but came up dry. Sears, however, somehow managed to persuade her to join the company. The coup gave Sears a huge advantage over Albaugh and Mulally. It also had the potential to expand his power base by making Druyun an ally. Unknown to others at the time, Sears had clinched the deal by promising Druyun a top job at Boeing while she was still in the middle of negotiating a $22 billion military contract with Boeing for a fleet of jet tankers, which Boeing was ultimately awarded. In 2003 Sears pushed things further. He reportedly waged an all-out war with CEO Phil Condit, taking over all public relations responsibilities and controlling access to the media and investors—roles that were normally the prerogative of the CEO. Sears also took control of Boeing’s in-house leadership center at St. Louis. Banished from the sessions were Albaugh and Mulally. With almost any important executive passing through the center, control gave Sears unprecedented exposure within Boeing’s far-flung organization. Sears’s stock rose further in mid-2003 when leaks to the media implied that Albaugh had withheld information from Sears about a $1.2 billion charge against earnings that Boeing was forced to take due to write-downs in its defense business. Sears was in charge of public relations at the time, and many suspected that the leak was part of a deliberate smear campaign. In an internal Boeing memo later leaked to the press, Albaugh said that “the efforts to cast the write-down as the result of me withholding information—surprising world headquarters—is not supported by the facts…..If Mike (Sears) is intent on discrediting me, he does a disservice not only to me, but also to the company.” By this time it was becoming apparent to many that Sears was anxious to succeed Phil Condit, “to the extent that it got pretty disgusting” according to a Boeing board member. The summer of 2003 turned out to be the high point in Mike Sears’s career. In November 2003 the government accused Sears of “communicating directly and indirectly with Darleen Druyun about future employment when she had not disqualified herself from acting in her official government capacity on matters involving Boeing.” The government went on to state that the pair had attempted to conceal this infraction from company lawyers investigating the matter. It was also alleged that Druyun broke the law by telling Boeing employees confidential information about how Airbus had priced its bid for the tanker contract. Boeing fired Mike Sears immediately, and ultimately both he and Druyun pleaded guilty to criminal wrongdoing and faced jail time. Ironically the firing of Sears raised questions about the ethics of management at Boeing under Phil Condit, the man Sears had wanted to replace as CEO. Within a month Condit had resigned from the CEO position, a victim of the fallout from the scandal, which resulted in the loss of the military tanker contract. Condit was replaced by Harry Stonecipher, who came out of retirement to take the CEO position. However, in another disturbing power play at Boeing, Stonecipher was himself forced to step down after a leaked e-mail message revealed that he had initiated an extramarital affair with an employee at Boeing. Fearing that Boeing was becoming mired in scandal after scandal, the board of directors asked for Stonecipher’s resignation. He was replaced by Jim McNeary, the CEO of 3M.   Questions   From a power perspective, what do you think explains the rise of Mike Sears to the CEO position at Boeing? What were the sources of his power? Once he became CFO, what did Mike Sears do to consolidate his power base at Boeing? What sources of power was he trying to accumulate? What was he trying to do with this power? What do you think about the ethics of Sear’s actions? Does the fall of Mike Sears prove that power tends to corrupt? What does the case tell you about the nature of internal organizational politics at Boeing during this period? As incoming CEO, would you see this as a problem? If so, how would you deal with it? Do you think that power is more important in an organization like Boeing than in one that has less politics? Why? IIBMS – THE RISE AND FALL OF MIKE SEARS At Global Study Solutions, we take immense pride in our ability to offer specialized support to students pursuing