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PARUL UNIVERSITY – MBA – Organizational Behaviour Solved Assignments

Q. 1 Mr. Som is an entrepreneur of a company in Ahmedabad employing 300 employees. It is manufacturing spare parts of a four-wheeler. The company being quality conscious, it has earned a good name and getting heavy orders from domestic and foreign markets. Mr. Som is planning to convert the domestic company into the multi-national company. As an Agent of change management, advise Mr. Som how to deal with following theories of O.B. in his proposed project.

1. Long term and short term planning.

2. Pro-active and Re-active approach.

3. Strategic planned change.

Q. 2 Making a Diverse Workplace the Top Priority Johnson & Johnson is a leader in multinational medical devices as well as pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods. Founded in 1886, the company has been through generations of cultural differences and is consistently listed among the Fortune 500. Johnson & Johnson is a household name for millions with many of their products lining the shelves of medicine cabinets around the globe. In 2017, Johnson & Johnson took the number two spot on the Thomson Reuters Diversity & Inclusion Index.

At such a multinational company, with over 130,000 employees worldwide, the forefront of the focus on their internal workforce is diversity. At the forefront of their mission statement, this is clearly stated: “Make diversity and inclusion how we work every day.” Having a mission statement is wonderful, but how does Johnson & Johnson live up to these standards day in and day out?

Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer Wanda Bryant Hope works tirelessly to inject the company with the very founding principles that built the company 130 years ago. She is one of 46 percent of employees worldwide that are women, and is delivering solutions that serve all of the patients and companies that work with Johnson & Johnson.

One initiative that sets Johnson & Johnson apart in the diversity category is their programs and initiatives such as the Scientist Mentoring and Diversity Program (SMDP), which is a yearlong mentorship program pairing ethnically diverse students with industry leaders.

Additionally, the company commits to alignment with Human Rights Campaign Equality Index benchmarks, as well as supporting the armed forces and wounded soldiers. These benefits include transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage and paid time off after military leave for soldiers to acclimate back to life at home.

These commitments make Johnson & Johnson one of the best cases for a company that is making great strides in a tough cultural climate to bridge the gaps and make all of their employees, customers, and clients feel included and a part of the bigger whole.


1. What diversity challenges do you think Johnson & Johnson management and employees face due to their presence as worldwide organization?

2. What other considerations should the company take in order to increase their impact of diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

3. Johnson & Johnson prides themselves on bridging the gender equality gap. What are some challenges or concerns to consider in the future with their hiring practices?

Q. 3 Managerial Leadership, Sustainability, and Responsible Management: Mindfulness at Google Inc.

Even though the outside appearance of Google headquarters may be filled with stereotypical visions of nap pods and scenes from “The Internship,” there is still a lot of work that is accomplished by those working there. With work, there can come stress, and job-related stress is a huge issue, with studies by the Behavioral Science and Policy Association stating that working long hours has been shown to increase mortality by 20 percent. No matter how many cushy perks you can get, they won’t make everyone happy, and Google is combating this with creativity. They attempt to counteract the stress-related issues by offering specific classes—for example Meditation 101 and Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction. They also encourage their employees to join their online and in-person community called gPause. This specific group helps support and encourage meditation practice. The key to this stress-reducing revolution at Google is that they have a company culture that supports the behavior. The company also promotes day meditation retreats at a handful of their locations. This type of creativity is sure to take hold at other companies across the globe.


1. Google is one of the leading tech companies in the world. What do you think of their approach to handling stress within the workplace? Do you think that this approach will be effective? Why or why not?

2. A company culture that supports stress reduction is key to the success of any program within the company. What are some obstacles that can arise when handling stress within a workplace? What are some methods that you would employ as manager to counteract these obstacles and implement stress-reduction programs within your workplace?

Q. 4 Stereotypes at Pitney Bowes

Many times, we think of stereotypes or discrimination only being an issue when it comes to things like gender, race, or religion. However, at Pitney Bowes Inc., the toughest stereotype to overcome is age.

Brigitte Van Den Houte starts her day in the normal way; however, she has taken a keen focus on persuading employees in their 20s that they have a future at Pitney Bowes. For almost 100 years, Pitney Bowes, founded in 1920, has been all about commerce. But as the world turned to technology, the definition of what that meant for the traditional postage-meter equipment company had to change as well. One of the biggest challenges of this ever-changing technological world is how the generations of employees can step aside from their stereotypes and understand one another to better work effectively.

At Pitney Bowes, their proactive approach puts younger colleagues with older colleagues in a mentoring situation. This is not the typical older mentor to younger mentor setup, however. Every few months, Houte arranges for the younger employees to spend the day with a seasoned executive with the plan of sharing experiences and ideas and offering advice. Houte states, “the old way of working no longer works,” and she’s right. With over one-third of the workforce aging to 50 or older and millennials (young people aged 22–37) being the largest workforce group, it is imperative to put stereotypes aside and learn to work together. One big mistake for a manager would be to focus on the age difference rather than on what skills each person individually can bring to the table. Stereotypes such as “older individuals don’t know about technology” or “millennials are constantly job hopping and feel entitled” are put aside at Pitney Bowes in order to get the job done. With a more proactive approach, the range of variables within each generation can be utilized in the most effective way possible for an organization.


1. What are other ways that a company can utilize a multigenerational team to their advantage?

2. What challenges does a multigenerational team pose for management?

3. What should the company and management team consider when attracting new employees of all generations?

Q. 5 Decision Making

Alpha Pvt. Ltd. Alpha makes and distributes products from more than 10 international pharmaceutical and health care companies. Mr. Nataraj is responsible for managing existing clients and also to get new clients. He manages a number of sales representatives. Important customers have a dedicated sales representatives, while other sales representatives try to get new clients. One day an important customer (Good Health Hospital) called Mr. Nataraj and complained that Mr. Bhavan (the sales representative) was ineffective and insisted he be removed, or else they would not give any business. Here are Mr. Nataraj’s thoughts:

 The track record of Mr. Bhavan was good and he was liked within the company. Dismissing him or even transferring him to a new region will affect the morale of the work force.

 Good health hospitals is a major customer and gives good business. Losing the hospital is not an option. Therefore the demands of the hospital have to be met.

Question: If You were Mr. Natraj, how will you solve this issue?


Krishnamurthy, plant manager of frame manufacturing company, is the chairperson of the ad hoc committee for space utilization. The committee is made up of various departmental heads of the company. The general manager of the company has given MURTHY the responsibility for seeing whether the various office, operations and warehouse facilities of the company are being optimally utilized. The company is beset by rising costs and the need for more space. However, before Okaying an expensive addition to the plant, the general manager wants to be sure that the currently available space is being utilized properly MURTHY opened up the first committee meeting by Reiterating the charge of the committee. Then MURTHY asked the members if they had any initial observations to make. The first to speak was the office manager. He stated “well I Know we are using every possible inch of room that we have available to us. But when I walk out into the plant I see lot of open spaces. We have people piled on top of one Another, but out in the plant there seems to be plenty of room.” the production manager quickly replied, “We do not have a lot of space. You office people have the luxury facilities. My supervisors don’t even have room for descend a file cabinet. i have repeatedly told the plant manager we need more space. After all, our operation determines whether this plant succeeds or fails, not like you people in The front office pushing paper around.’ MURTHY interrupted at this point and said, “Obviously we have different interpretations of the space utilization around here. Before Further discussion I think it would be best if we have some objective facts to work with. I am going to ask the industrial engineer to provide us with some statistics on plant and office layouts

before our next meeting. Today’s meeting is adjourned


1. What perceptual Problems are evident in this case?

2. If you were in murthy’s position, how would you have handled the situation?

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