NMIMS – Customer Relationship Management
NMIMS MBA Customer Relationship Management Solved Assignment

1. You already have CRM software installed in your company and that is providing support to your existing CRM practices. However, your bigger worry is that there is a lot of technological development that is happening in the CRM market, which you need to integrate at your workplace. This is particularly relevant when working on your NMIMS MBA Customer Relationship Management Solved Assignment. How do you ensure that there is a systematic integration between the future of CRM, best practices and internal systems and processes? (10 Marks)
2. Your company manufactures air conditioners. You have products both for industrial markets, as well as consumer markets. However, this industry thrives on season and with plenty of players in the market, CRM really does not work is what the management thinks. Being the head of sales and marketing you feel differently and you understand that without CRM practices you would not even have a chance to forge a strong relationship in a highly fragmented marketplace. You have a meeting with the top leadership next week. Prepare a case favouring CRM? (10 Marks)
3. Ravi has started his own coaching centre for competitive exam preparations. Although he is hiring the best and the most competent people, with the best salary, he is not able to compete with the other players. The market is mostly unregulated with a large proportion of students visiting private coaching. Apart from that, the bigger players can scale easily. You feel that for your growth you need to approach a reference-based mechanism. More the references there is a higher chance that new students would enrol.
a. How will you create a system to build this? How will design the reward system? (5 marks)
b. What will be your evaluation criteria to measure the success of this initiative? (5 marks)