NMIMS – International HR Practices
NMIMS MBA International HR Practices Solved Assignment

1. Spice Agrofoods, a Delhi-based food processing company, is venturing into the French market by establishing a distribution center in Paris. The company plans to relocate a team of 25 logistics and marketing professionals from India and 2 from Spain. As the HR Manager, design pre-departure and post-arrival training programs for the team. Additionally, identify and discuss the top three challenges you foresee after the team’s movement to France. If you are working on an NMIMS MBA International HR Practices Solved Assignment, these considerations are crucial.
What pre-departure and post-arrival training programs would you plan for the team relocating from India and Spain to France for Spice Agro foods? Also, what are the top three challenges you foresee after the movement is completed? (10 Marks)
2. Global Logistics Corporation (GLC), headquartered in Singapore, stands as a prominent logistics company that has recently extended its reach to 50 countries, spanning across Asia, Southeast Asia, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, and other regions. The company’s leadership is currently in the process of unifying performance management policies across all its international offices to ensure uniformity and efficiency. In your role as an HR head, you have been entrusted with the responsibility of identifying potential issues and challenges that the HR department might encounter during the implementation of a standardized performance management system across these 50 nations.
What are the primary issues and challenges that the HR department might face in the development and execution of a standardized performance management system across 50 nations for Global Logistics Corporation? Discuss in detail. (10 Marks)
3. XYZ Tech Solutions, a software development company based in Bangalore, India, has recently secured a significant contract with a tech giant in Silicon Valley, USA. The contract requires XYZ Tech Solutions to establish a dedicated team in San Francisco to work closely with the client. The team needs to include 3 software developers, 2 project managers, 1 cybersecurity specialist, and 1 client liaison officer. XYZ Tech Solutions is keen on hiring local talent to adapt to the Silicon Valley work culture and comply with local regulations. As an HR consultant, you are tasked with addressing the key challenges and considerations in recruiting, selecting, and managing the local team in San Francisco.
a) What are the Challenges and Considerations in Recruiting and Selecting a Local Team in San Francisco? (5 Marks)
b) Considering the global nature of XYZ Tech Solutions and its endeavor to establish a team in San Francisco, what key factors should HR take into account when managing this local team? (5 Marks)
NMIMS Dec 2024 MBA 1st Sem Solved Assignments